Meeting Materials

Tribal Interior Budget Council
  November 6-9, 2023
  Grand Hyatt Washington
1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 582-1234

Click here to reserve rooms at TIBC's dicounted rate.
  The November 6-9, 2023 TIBC meeting will be conducted in-person only and there will be no virtual attendance option. To register for the November TIBC meeting, please fill out this form.


Tribal Interior Budget Council
  July 31 - August 3, 2023
  The Seneca Niagara Resort and Casino
310 4th Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14303
  Monday, July 31
    8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee
    10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Data Management Subcommittee
    12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch
    1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Budget Subcommittee
    3:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee
  Tuesday, August 1
    8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Education Subcommittee
    10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Transportation Subcommittee
    12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Lunch
    1:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Tribal Caucus
  Wednesday, August 2
    9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Call to Order / Opening Prayer
    9:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Roll Call / Approval of Agenda
    9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Opening Remarks
    10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Budget Update / Paycost / Benchmark Report
    12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Lunch
    1:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Budget Discussion / Strategy
    3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Break
    3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Legislative Update
    4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Administrative Update / Supplemental funding Tribal Electrification Program
  Thursday, August 3
    9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Opening Remarks / Recap
    10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. BIA Update
    10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Break
    10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. BTFA Update
    11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. BIE Update
    11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Lunch
    12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. CSC Policy Update
    1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Climate Resilience Update
    2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Break
    3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Summary Subcommittee Report-Outs
    4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Old Business / New Business
    5:30 p.m. Adjourn
TIBC Meeting Materials
  -- TIBC Agenda
  -- TIBC Directory (July 2023)
  -- TIBC Meeting Minutes (April 2023) - DRAFT
  -- TIBC FY 2025 Tribal Budget Submission - FINAL
  -- TIBC Protocol
  -- BTFA Update (August 2023)
  -- Tribal Electrification Program Update
  -- Indian Affairs Budget Update (August 2023)
  -- Administrative Updates (August 2023)
  -- PayCost Data 2024
  -- Federal / Tribal Contract Support Costs Workgroup Update (August 2023)
  -- BIE Update (August 2023)
  -- BIA TTP/RM Update (August 2023)
  -- BIA Tribal Climate Resilience FY2023 Awards (August 2023)
Subcommittee Meeting Materials
  Budget Subcommittee
  -- Agenda
  Data Management Subcommittee
  -- Agenda
  -- BIA Tribal Data Priorities Consultation Summary
  -- BIA Performance Management Strategic Plan and Data Performance Update
  Education Subcommittee
  -- Agenda
  -- BIE Update 2023
  -- NIEA Update 2023
  Land, Water, & Natural Resources Subcommittee
  -- Agenda
  -- Ecosystem Restoration Presentation
  -- IFMAT Report 2023
  Public Safety & Justice Subcommittee
  -- Agenda
  -- BIA Budget Brief for Public Saftey & Justice - FY 2024
  Transportation Subcommittee
  -- Agenda
Tribal Caucus Meeting Materials
  -- Agenda (forthcoming)
Other Materials
  -- COLT Letter to BIA (August 2, 2023)



April 11 - 14, 2023 

Meeting Materials

-Meeting Minutes -- DRAFT (December 2022)
-TIBC Directory (April 2023)
Budget Subcommittee (Tuesday, April 11 @ 9:30 a.m. EST)
Data Management Subcommittee (Tuesday, April 11 @ 1:00 p.m. EST)
Land, Water, & Natural Resources Subcommittee (Tuesday, April 11 @ 3:15 p.m. EST)
Public Safety & Justice Subcommittee (Wednesday, April 12 @ 9:30 a.m. EST)
Transportation Subcommittee (Wednesday, April 12 @ 1:00 p.m. EST)
BIA Update
Education Subcommittee (Wednesday, April 12 @ 3:15 p.m. EST)
BIE Update
NIEA Update
-Santa Fe Indian School Update
AIHEC Update

December 6 - 9, 2022 

Meeting Materials

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes - APPROVED (August 2022)
TIBC Directory (December 2022)
BIA Comprehensive Funding Table - 2023 Committee Mark-Ups
BIE Comprehensive Funding Table - 2023 Committee Mark-Ups
Resolution #TIBC-22-002

Budget Subcommittee
Tuesday, December 6 @ 10:00 a.m. EST
Data Management Subcommittee
Tuesday, December 6 @ 1:00 p.m. EST
Education Subcommittee
Wednesday, December 7 @ 3:30 p.m. EST 
Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee
Tuesday, December 6 @ 3:30 p.m. EST
Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee
Wednesday, December 7 @ 10:00 a.m. EST
Transportation Subcommittee
Wednesday, December 7 @ 1:00 p.m. EST
August 15 – August 19, 2022 

Virtual Meeting Agenda. March 2022  Meeting Minutes.

View the latest  TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
Indian Affairs Administrative Update
Indian Affairs Budget Update
BIA Funding Comparison Table
BIE Funding Comparison Table
BIE Update
BTFA Update
Legislative Update
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Transportation Update

Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee
BIA Office of Justice Services Budget Presentation

Transportation Subcommittee
BIA Division of Transportation Update
BIL Road Maintenance Survey Presentation

Budget Subcommittee
Overview of the Federal Budget Process

Data Management Subcommittee
Federal Update and Meeting Notes

Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee
BIA Forestry Programs Update
Restoring America's Wildlife Act (RAWA) Tribal Facts Sheet

Education Subcommittee
BIE Update

March 21 – March 25, 2022 

Virtual Meeting Agenda. November 2021  Meeting Minutes.

View the latest  TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
FY 2024 Tribal Budget Submission
Indian Affairs Budget Update
2023-2024 National Ranking Charts
BIA Funding Comparison Table
BIE Funding Comparison Table
Tiwahe Final Report to Congress
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Overview
BIA Field Operations Update
BIE Update
BTFA (OST) Update
Legislative Update
Legislative Update - VAWA Reauthorization
Resolution TIBC-22-001

Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee
BIA Office of Justice Services Budget Presentation
2019 Tribal Law and Order Act Report to Congress

Transportation Subcommittee

Budget Subcommittee

Data Management Subcommittee

Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee

Education Subcommittee
BIE Update

November 2 – November 5, 2021 

Virtual Meeting Agenda. September 2021 Meeting Minutes.

View the latest TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
Indian Affairs Budget Update
Summary Funding Comparison Table
BIA Funding Comparison Table
BIE Funding Comparison Table
Section 105(l) Lease Agreement Template
Section 105(L) Lease Template Letter
Section 105(l) Template Worksheet
National Policy Memorandum on Public Safety and Justice Construction Site Assessment and Capital Investment Pilot
BIE Update
BTFA Update
TIBC Protocol (Approved November 5, 2021)
BIA Tribal Climate Resiliency Overview
BIA OJS Update

September 21 – September 22, 2021 

Virtual Meeting Agenda. June 2021 Draft Meeting Minutes.

View the latest TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
Indian Affairs Budget Update

FY 2022 House Appropriations Budget Comparison Table – BIA
FY 2022 House Appropriations Budget Comparison Table – BIE
BIE Update
Legislative Update

June 7 - June 11, 2021 

Virtual Meeting Agenda. November 2020 Draft Meeting Minutes.

View the  TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
2023 National Ranking Charts

BIE Update Presentation

BTFA Update Presentation

FY 2022 Budget Update Presentation

Legislative Update Presentation

Data Collection Project Presentation

FY 2023 Tribal Budget Submission

Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee 
Subcommittee Presentation
BIA Presentation
105(1) Lease Agreement Presentation 

Transportation Subcommittee
Subcommittee Presentation

Education Subcommittee
Subcommittee Presentation
BIE Update

Budget Subcommittee
ubcommittee Presentation

Data Management Subcommittee
Draft Indian Affairs Data Collection Template
ubcommittee Presentation

Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee
ubcommittee Presentation

November 2 - November 6, 2020 

Virtual, Meeting Agenda. August 2020 Meeting Minutes
View the latest TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
26 IAM 3 - Fund Distributions
     TPA Tables
     ROP Tables 
     Sample Paycost Table
     IA Funding Distribution Flow Charts 
     Contract Support Cost Distribution Templates
     Human Services Distribution Templates
     Tribal Government Distribution Templates
     Natural Resources Management Templates
     Real Estate Service Templates
     Community Development Distribution Templates
     Public & Safety Justice Distribution Templates
     Settlements Distribution Templates 
     Bureau of Indian Education Templates
     Loan Guarantee and Insurance
Indian Affairs FY 2023 Formulation Guidance
FY 2023 Tribal Preferred Program Ranking Tool
PROGRESS Act Overview
Bureau of Indian Education Update
Bureau of Trust Funds Administration Update
TIBC Subcommittee Action Items, New and Old Business

Budget Subcommittee
(See 26 IAM 3 and Attachements above)
FY 2023 Formulation Guidance 
FY 2023 Tribal Preferred Program Ranking Tool  

Data Management Subcommittee
August 11, 2020 Meeting Minutes 
September 22, 2020 Meeting Minutes
2017 TLOA Report Analysis
2017 TLOA Report
Draft 2005 Data Policy

Education Subcommittee
BIE Update
NCAI Update
NIEA Update
AIHEC Update
ISEP Formula One-Pager
AIHEC FY2021 Budget Table
AIHEC - TCU Agenda for 2020 Presidential Candidates
AIHEC- TCU Broadband & Infrastructure Priorities

Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee

Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee 
2017 TLOA Report
2018 TLOA Report
U.S. Indian Police Academy FY 2021 National Training Schedule
FY 2021 BIA Comparison Table

Transportation Subcommitee
BIA Division of Transportation Update
Surface Transportation Reauthorization Analysis
NCAI Surface Transportation Reauthorization Legislative Update

August 10 - August 14, 2020 

Virtual, Meeting Agenda. March 2020 Meeting Minutes
View the latest TIBC Directory

Meeting Materials
FY 2020-21 Indian Affairs Budget Update - Analysis
FY 2021 BIA Comp Table - House Mark with Internal Transfers
FY 2021 BIE Comp Table - House Mark with Internal Transfers
BIE Update
BTFA (OST) Update Presentation
Indian Youth Service Corps Briefing
TIBC Subcommittee Action Items, New and Old Business

Budget Subcommittee
FAQs for Indian Affairs Div. B Title VII of the CARES Act Funds
Tribal Pay-Related Adjustments -Pay Cost
CARES Act - Info Sheet Date April 15, 2020
2019 OIP and CSC funds for National Programs by Region and TPA

Data Management Subcommittee
DRAFT meeting minutes

Education Subcommittee
BIE Update
BIE FY 2021 House Appropriations Bill Analysis
AIHEC Update
NIEA Update
NCAI Update
House Native American Caucus Tribal Priorities for COVID-19

Land, Water, and Natural Resources Subcommittee
BIA Fee to Trust Presentation
10-Year Funding Analysis

Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee 
TLOA Report
10-Year Funding Analysis

Transportation Subcommitee 
BIA Update
20 year BIA RMP Funding Analysis

March 9-March 13, 2020 

Washington, DC, Agenda. Meeting Minutes from previous meeting (November 12-14, 2019)
View the latest TIBC Directory

Meeting Booklet

2020 March TIBC Booklet_Full Booklet
2020 March TIBC Action Tracking
FY 2020-2021 Budget Update
FY 2021 BIA Budget Comparison Table
FY 2021 Colored-Coded Comparison Tables BIA
BIA Internal Transfers and Fixed Costs
FY 2021 BIE Budget Comparison Table
FY 2021 Color-Coded Comparison Tables BIE
BIE Internal Transfers and Fixed Costs
Operation Lady Justice Agenda for DOI TIBC
Task Force Summary TIBC
Task Force Bios TIBC
Listening Session Topics of Interest
DRAFT TIBC July 2019 Executive Summary 

Meeting Materials

Comparison of 2021 Rankings to 2022 Rankings
National Tribal Rankings for 2022  


Education Subcommittee - AIHEC TIBC Presentation 3.9.2020 
Education Subcommittee - BIE Education Construction Update TIBC Presentation 3.9.2020
Education Subcommittee - BIE TIBC Presentation 3.9.2020
Education Subcommittee - NIEA TIBC Presentation 3.9.2020
Education Subcommittee - Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, Native Language Non BIE 3.9.20
Education Subcommittee - Report Out 3.10.2020   
Operation Lady Justice Listening Session Presentation

USAC Tribal Lifeline Tribal Nation Presentation

November 12-November 14, 2019 

Washington, DC, Agenda. Meeting minutes from previous meeting (July 21-August 2, 2019)

Meeting Materials

2020 CompTable-House-Senate-CR1 BIA 
2020 CompTable-House-Senate-CR1 BIE 
Senate Bill BIA Overview 
Senate Bill BIE Overview  
TIBC Directory November 2019
TIBC Attendance Requirements
TIBC Action Tracking
2020 & 2021 Budget Update
A Revised Approach To Improving School Facilities
Site Assessment Analysis for FY2020
National Tribal Rankings for 2022
Comparison of 2021 to 2022 Rankings

Department of Education Office of Indian Education Update
2019 TIBC Bureau of Indian Education Update 
H.R. 3742 RAWA Tribal Nations Fact Sheet
NCAI Resoltion #ABQ-19-036
H.R. 3742 Tribal Project Examples 
H.R. 3742 Backgrounder 116th Congress

July 31-August 2, 2019 

Fairbanks, AK, Latest Agenda, Meeting Minutes from previous meeting (April 2019)

Click here to read the full 2019 July TIBC Meeting Booklet.

Meeting Materials

TIBC BIE Education Updates - July 2019
Implementation of Budget Formulation Improvement Recommendations

19 Fund Status
189 Unobligated Balances Report for Exec Direct OS Programs 
2019 Inaugural IC Public Safety Summit Announcement for Printing CA
2021 Formulation Guidance

OST - PDST Gidner July 2019 TIBC Update 
TIBC Budget Subcommittee Agenda 
TIBC Education Subcommittee Agenda 
TIBC Public Safety & Justice Agenda 
Tribal Preferred Program Ranking Tool  
April 8-12, 2019 

Washington, DC, AgendaDRAFT Minutes from previous meeting (November 2018)


DOI-PMB 2019 TIBC Invitation
OMB 2019 TIBC Invitation 
TIBC Letter to AS-IA - April 2019 TIBC Meeting 
TIBC Letter to House 477-like authority 
TIBC Letter to House HR 1585 
TIBC Letter to Senate 477-like authority 
TIBC Letter to Senate HR 1585


2019 Enacted Comp Table
2020 Comp Table - BIA 
2020 Comp Table - BIE 
2020 President's Budget Response to TIBC Priority Rankings 
NCAI Analysis of the FY 2020 President’s Budget Request
2021 Consolidated National Priority Ranking
TIBC Budget Formulation Improvement Project, FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS 
Recommended TIBC Protocol Changes from Budget Process Improvement Report (Version with tracked changes) 


2019 Enacted and 2020 President’s Request Update, Jeannine Brooks, Deputy Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management
TIBC Education Subcommittee Report, April 8, 2019
TIBC Road Maintenance Subcommittee Report, April 10, 2019
Regional Priority Rankings, Office of Budget and Performance Management

November 14-16, 2018 

Washington, DC, AgendaMinutes from previous meeting (July 2018)


BIA Comp Table, 2018 
BIA Budgets FY 2019 and FY2020
Proposed Protocol Changes
Public Safety and Justice Subcommittee Presentation
PSJ Subcommittee Agenda
Education Subcommittee Report Out
Roads Subcommittee Presentation
udget Formulation Workgroup Implementation

July 9-12, 2018 

Mystic Lake, MN, Agenda


BIA Comp Table, 2018
2019, Comp Table
National FY 2020 Tribal Priorities

Follow Up Documents from July Meeting

Budget Formulation Report with Decisions

May 21-24, 2018 

Washington, DC, AgendaMinutes from previous meeting (March 2018), Action Tracking from March 2018


BIA Comp Table, 2018
2019 Red Green Table of Changes
2018, Comp Table Program Change
National FY 2020 Tribal Priorities

Follow Up Documents from March Meeting

FY 2020 Executive Summary of Tribal Budget Submission
TIBC Testimony to House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee
TIBC Letter to Secretary on Federal Participation and FY19 Budget

Appropriations Updates

House Interior-Environment Subcommittee Report Draft FY19

March 19-22, 2018 

Washington, DC, AgendaMinutes from previous meeting (November 2017)


BIA Comp Table, 2018 PB
2019 Red Green Table of Changes
2018, Comp Table Program Change
National FY 2020 Tribal Priorities

November 6-9, 2017

Washington, DC, AgendaMinutes from previous meeting (July 2017)


BIA Comp Table, 2018
2018, Comp Table Change Descriptions
2018, Comp Table Program Change
National FY 2019 Tribal Priorities
FY2019 Regional Tribal Priorities, Charts
Tribal Priority versus Enacted 2010 to 2017
TIBC Executive Summary of FY 2019 Tribal Budget Recommendations
FY2018 Interior Appropriations Update


Title: Calling for Full Funding of the Federal Trust Responsibility and Ensuring the United States has the Revenue to Finance Federal Commitments in Tax Legislation


Indian Affairs FY 2017-2019 Budget Update, George Bearpaw, Dir. Office of Budget and Performance Mgmt
FY2020 Budget Formulation Update, Jeannine Brooks, Dep. Dir., Office of Budget and Performance Management
BIE TIBC Update, Tony Dearman, BIE Director
Public Safety and Justice Update, Jason Thompson, Assistant Dep. Bureau Dir., Justice Services
BIA - Division of Forestry and Wildland Fire Management, Pete Wakeland
OST Update, Jerry Gidner, Principal Dep. Special Trustee
Road Maintenance Subcommittee Report

Revised Protocol

Tribal Interior Budget Council Protocol, Adopted on November 9th, 2017 with a quorum present.

July 24-27, 2017

Flagstaff, AZ, AgendaMinutes from previous meeting (May 2017)


BIA Comp Table, 2018
2018, Comp Table Change Descriptions
2018, Comp Table Program Change
National FY 2019 Tribal Priorities
FY2019 Regional Tribal Priorities, Charts
Tribal Priority versus Enacted 2010 to 2017
TIBC Executive Summary of FY 2019 Tribal Budget Recommendations
FY2018 NCAI President's Budget Analysis
FY2018 Interior Appropriations Update


Title: Supporting the Federal Treaty and Trust Obligations in the FY 2018 Budget
Title: Supporting the Federal Trust Responsibility for Indian Education
Title: Supporting Robust Funding in the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill


Indian Affairs FY 2017-2019 Budget Update, George Bearpaw, Dir. Office of Budget and Performance Mgmt
Bureau of Indian Education Update, Bartholomew Stevens, Dep. Bureau Director
Office of Special Trustee Update, Deb DuMontier, Acting Special Trustee
Office of Self Governance Funding, Sharee Freeman, Director Self-Governance
Budget Process Recommendations, Kepner-Tregoe
Land Buy-Back Program, John McClanahan, Director, LBB
AIANTA Presentation
Subcommittee Presentations
BIA Road Maintenance Presentation, Leroy Gishi
Public Safety and Justice Presentation, Tribal Integrated Public Safety

May 3-4, 2017

Washington, DC, Agenda, Minutes from previous meeting (March 2017)


BIE Presentations
Department of Energy Presentation
Preliminary Recommendations from Kepner-Tregoe, TIBC Budget Process Assessment
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act of 2016

March 22-23, 2017

Washington, DC, Agenda, Draft Minutes (November 2016)

FY 2019 Regional Budget Presentations

Alaska Presentation
Eastern Presentation
Eastern Oklahoma
Great Plains Presentation
Midwest Presentation
Northwest Presentation
Rocky Mountain Presentation
Southern Plains Presentation
Western Presentation

ResolutionUphold the Trust and Treaty Obligations in the FY 2018 Federal Budget

November 8-9, 2016

Washington, DC, AgendaAction TrackingMinutes Draft


Strategic Plan Update, Office of Performance Management
Public Safety and Justice Funding Presentation, BIA, Office of Justice Services
Roads Maintenance Presentation, Leroy Gishi
Roads Funding Methodologies, Leroy Gishi
Tiwahe Presentation

Budget Documents from BIA

Graphs, Priorities v. Request v. Enacted (PDF)
TLOA Report to Congress, Spending, Staffing, and Estimated Funding Costs for PS&J in Indian Country (PDF)
FY 2017 Comp Table (PDF)

July 13-14, 2016

Rapid City, SD, AgendaAction TrackingMinutes (approved for May 2016 mtg)


OST Presentation (PDF), Deb DuMontier, Deputy Special Trustee
Transportation (PPT), Leroy Gishi
Roads Maintenance (PPT), Dakota Longbrake, Cheyenne River Sioux
2016 Budget Where Are We (PPT), Jeannine Brooks, Deputy Director OBPM
FY 2017 House and Senate Mark (PPT), George Bearpaw, Director, OBPM
NCAI Appropriations Update (PDF), Amber Ebarb, NCAI

Budget Documents from BIA

Analysis of Tribal Priorities, Priorities vs. Enacted (XLS)
Regional Table in Brief, FY 2018 Budget Formulation (XLS)
FY 2017 Comprehensive Table with House, Senate Marks (PDF)


1. Supporting Tribal Nation Building, Growth, and the Upholding of the Federal Treaty and Trust Responsibility in the Department of the Interior Strategic Plan
2. Supporting Enactment of Legislation that Would Exempt Tribal Governments from the Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate 
. Opposing Any Decreases to the Bureau of Indian Affairs Budget in the Interior Appropriations Bill

Washington, DC, AgendaAction TrackingMinutes



March 11-23, 2016

Washington, DC, Agenda


November 18-19, 2015
Washington, DC, Draft Minutes, Agenda


August 5-6, 2015
Albuquerque, NM, Agenda


May 20-21, 2015
Washington, DC, Agenda


March 5-6, 2015
Washington, DC, Washington Plaza Hotel



BIA Budget Documents

November 5-6, 2014
Washington, DC, Washington Plaza Hotel



July 22 - 23, 2014
Billings, Montana, Agenda


May 22 - 23, 2014, 2014 May TIBC Agenda (PDF)

March 24 - 25, 2014

National Budget Meeting

Regional Presentations on FY 2016 Budget


November 7 - 8, 2013


