Tribal Communications Resources


"To enlighten the public toward a better 
understanding of the Indian people" 
- NCAI Constitution


The founders of NCAI knew all too well how little people knew about tribes, Native people, and the powerful place tribal governments have within the United States family of governments. This purpose, to serve as the unified voice of Indian Country, carries over into our public education, communications, and media relations efforts at the national, regional, and local levels. 

Strengthening the voices of tribes and tribal efforts is also part of this purpose. That's why NCAI has developed a comprehensive set of resources for both our members and the rest of Indian Country, to strengthen communications efforts throughout tribal communities.

The organization offers  toolkits, guides, trainings, webinars, and educational events for public information officers and communications professionals working for tribal governments and advocates.  The following resources are provided by NCAI through the support of W.K. Kellogg Foundation as part of NCAI's Partnership for Tribal Governance. 

Tribal Communicators Trainings and Network

Are you a public affairs professional working for a tribal government, organization, or company? 

Find out more about NCAI's National Tribal Communicators Network.


Communications Toolkit

Develped in partnership with Pyramid Communications, NCAI developed a series of toolkits for tribal communicators based on extensive interviews and discussions with tribal leaders, advocacy organizations and tribal communications professionals. 

Effective Tools for Communications and Leadership in Indian Country
A thirty-six page toolkit, this NCAI pulbication outlines the tools, tactics, and strategies from tribal communications experts.  The toolkit aims to help tribal leaders and Indian Country advocates in ever changing media and communications landscape.

Working Together for Our Common Benefit
On November 14, 2012, 45 people gathered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the NCAI's Annual Convention to participate in the pre-session: "Native Organizations; Working Together for Our Common Benefit." This twelve page report outlines the key findings from this meeting - highlighting communications messagining best practices and strategies.

Leadership and Communications
in Indian Country

This four page report outlines the key findings from interviews with 5 tribal leaders and tribal communications officers across the country. The conversations focused on exploring how communications helps in their daily work, how the communications playing field has changed over the years and how they have adapted, overcome barriers, and what the tools and activities are that make them more effective leaders and communicators.