Leadership: Policy Recommendations

Policy Recommendations

• Political Leaders: Make informed, strategic decisions about the nation's overarching priorities for workforce development and delegate the authority to programmatic leaders to implement them. 

• Political leaders: Encourage programmatic leaders to take calculated risks in order to develop innovative programmatic solutions, and ensure their continuity to build institutional know-how and experience. 

• Programmatic leaders: Hire top-notch staff and delegate them the authority to do their jobs. 

• Together: Depoliticize tribal workplaces and the provision of workforce development services. 

• Together: Establish a formal process for regular communication and reporting that sets clear roles and fosters mutual accountability between political leaders and programmatic leaders. 

• Both: Establish formal policies for succession planning for programmatic leaders and leadership transition for political leaders so the nation can grow its workforce development successes. 

• Nation: Develop a comprehensive youth leadership training program that incorporates tribal civics and cultural teaching (also consider establishing a youth council if you don't yet have one).