2022 Annual Resolutions


Resolution: SAC-22-001
Title: Reestablish the NCAI Tribal Leader Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Commission
Sponsor: Leland McGee
Sponsor Affilitation: Cherokee Nation
Status: Tabled
Resolution: SAC-22-002
Title: Calling on the Department of the Interior to Provide Annual, Noncompetitive, Base Tribal Justice Funding for PL-280 Tribal Nations
Sponsor: Martha Whitman
Sponsor Affilitation: Association of Village Council Presidents
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-003
Title: Supporting the Expansion of Tribal Nation Self-Governance with the Department of Justice
Sponsor: Martha Whitman
Sponsor Affilitation: Association of Village Council Presidents
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-004
Title: Increased Coordination and Funding for Alaska Tribes to Respond to and Recover from Environmental Threats
Sponsor: Martha Whitman
Sponsor Affilitation: Association of Village Council Presidents
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-005
Title: Support of Reproductive Rights of American Indian and Alaska Native People
Sponsor: Nickolaus Lewis
Sponsor Affilitation: Lummi Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-006
Title: Support for a Comprehensive Federal Program to Coordinate Tribal Climate Relocation Efforts
Sponsor: Lisa Wilson / Charlene Nelson
Sponsor Affilitation: Lummi Nation/Shoalwater Bay Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-007
Title: Amend the Charter for Native American Veterans Advisory Committee to Include Cultural Language and Understanding Diversity for All Tribes
Sponsor: Mel Sheldon, Jr.
Sponsor Affilitation: Tulalip Tribes
Status: Not Considered (postponed to next meeting)
Resolution: SAC-22-008
Title: Calling on the President to Issue an Executive Order Affirming the United States of America’s Commitment to Treaties, Indian Sovereignty, Self-Determination, Self-Government, and Territorial Integrity
Sponsor: Mel Sheldon, Jr.
Sponsor Affilitation: Tulalip Tribes
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-009
Title: Opposition to Federal or State Recognition of the Groups Claiming to be a Tribal Nation that Seek to Circumvent the Department of the Interior's Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) Process
Sponsor: Mel Sheldon, Jr.
Sponsor Affilitation: Tulalip Tribes
Status: Not Considered (resolution out-of-order)
Resolution: SAC-22-010
Title: Support for a Comprehensive Federal Program to Coordinate Tribal Climate Relocation Efforts
Sponsor: Charlene Nelson
Sponsor Affilitation: Shoalwater Bay Tribe
Status: Not Considered (combined with SAC-22-006)
Resolution: SAC-22-011
Title: Urging a Call to Action in Support of The Native American Boarding School ‘Seven Weeks of Action for Seven Generations’
Sponsor: Patricia Whitefoot
Sponsor Affilitation: Yakama Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-012
Title: Request That the US Department of Agriculture and Department of the Interior to Urgently Initiate a Rulemaking Process to Protect the Remaining Mature and Old-Growth Forests and Trees on Ancestral Lands Managed by the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management
Sponsor: Lisa Wilson
Sponsor Affilitation: Lummi Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-013
Title: Confirmation of the Tribal Goverments Primary Role in Providing Essential Government Services to Tribal Citizens
Sponsor: Gerry Hope
Sponsor Affilitation: Sitka Tribe of Alaska
Status: Tabled
Resolution: SAC-22-014
Title: Support for Mining Reform to Protect Sacred Sites
Sponsor: Pete Imus
Sponsor Affilitation: Hualapai Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-015
Title: Calling for the Transition of the Healthy Native Babies Program from the National Institutes of Health to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Reproductive Health – Maternal and Infant Health Division
Sponsor: Abigail Echo-Hawk
Sponsor Affilitation: Seattle Indian Health Board
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-016
Title: Support for Tribes Exercising their Inherent Sovereign Authority Over the Activities and Data of their Businesses, Citizens, and Jurisdiction online; and Recognition of Tribal Data Sovereignty and Jurisdiction Online
Sponsor: Maranda Compton
Sponsor Affilitation: Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-017
Title: Calling for Traditional Health Parity to Advance Health Equity for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Sponsor: Abigail Echo-Hawk
Sponsor Affilitation: Seattle Indian Health Board
Status: Tabled
Resolution: SAC-22-018
Title: Imploring the State of Alaska to End Its Practice of Requiring Tribal Waivers of Sovereign Immunity as a Condition for Receiving Grant Funds
Sponsor: Ronette Stanton
Sponsor Affilitation: Kenaitze Indian Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-019
Title: Calling upon the Department of the Interior to to Cancel or Rescind Any Fee Patent or Permit to Authorize or Support Indian Boarding Schools; and to instead Promote Health, Wellness and Trauma Healing by Supporting the Revitalization of Tribal Languages and Culture
Sponsor: Kevin Killer
Sponsor Affilitation: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-020
Title: Calling on the Administration and Relevant Federal Agencies to Fully and Promptly Implement the Indian Community Economic Enhancement Act of 2020
Sponsor: William Lowe
Sponsor Affilitation: National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-021
Title: Calling on Congress to Pass and the President to Sign into Law Tax Legislation that Includes Equitable Taxation Principles, Such as the Native American Tax Parity and Relief Act (as introduced on September 29, 2022)
Sponsor: William Lowe
Sponsor Affilitation: National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-022
Title: Calling for Removal of The Christopher Columbus Transcontinental Highway Designation from All Portions of Interstate 10
Sponsor: Cheri Thomas
Sponsor Affilitation: Quinault Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-023
Title: Calling on the Biden and Subsequent Administrations to Appoint an Associate Deputy Attorney General in the United States Department of Justice to Work Exclusively on Indian Law and Policy
Sponsor: Allison Binney
Sponsor Affilitation: Seneca Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-024
Title: Calling on the Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice to Conduct Meaningful Government-to-Government Consultation with Native Nations to Ensure Tribal Sovereignty Provision of the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act is Fully Enforced
Sponsor: Allison Binney
Sponsor Affilitation: Seneca Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-025
Title: Declaration that All Federally Recognized Tribal Nations Must Have Equal Access to All Federal Laws and Regulations Intended to Benefit Federally Recognized Tribal Nations
Sponsor: Allison Binney
Sponsor Affilitation: Penobscot Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-026
Title: Preventing Evasion of Tribal Nation Data Sovereignty in the Health Research Sector By Means of Technological Modernization in an Unsettled Regulatory Frontier
Sponsor: Mari Hulbutta
Sponsor Affilitation: Native BioData Consortium
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-027
Title: Supporting a National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Resolution to re-establish indigenous subsistence rights in Alaska
Sponsor: Ronette Stanton
Sponsor Affilitation: Kenaitze Indian Tribe
Status: Tabled
Resolution: SAC-22-028
Title: Request the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to Develop an Area of Critical Environmental Concern Regulation as Required by Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976
Sponsor: Lisa Wilson
Sponsor Affilitation: Lummi Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-029
Title: In Support of Establishing and Supporting Pathways for Native American Teacher Education Programs
Sponsor: Jaime Loretto
Sponsor Affilitation: Pueblo of Jemez
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-030
Title: Support for Congressional Efforts to Allow for Increased Flexibility for the Department of the Treasury's Administrative Funding
Sponsor: Stephen Roe Lewis
Sponsor Affilitation: Gila River Indian Community
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-031
Title: Calling for the Full Implementation by the United States of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, Clean-up, Remediation and Restoration of All Contaminated Sites and Elimination of Mercury From All Sources
Sponsor: Morning Star Gali
Sponsor Affilitation: International Indian Treaty Council
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-032
Title: Support for Improving ICWA Compliance and Implementation Through Title IV-B of the Social Security Act Funding
Sponsor: Charles Martin
Sponsor Affilitation: Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-033
Title: Calling on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to develop criteria in collaboration with NCAI to measure Tribal engagement in any five-year action plan and initial proposal submitted by an eligible entity to the BEAD program
Sponsor: EJ John
Sponsor Affilitation: Navajo Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-034
Title: Supporting Increased Funding for the Indian Student Equalization Programs (ISEP), Facilities Operations, and Facilities Maintenance (O&M) for Bureau of Indian Education Funded Schools
Cecilia Firethunder/Xavier Barraza
Sponsor Affilitation: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-035
Title: Calling for Sovereignty in Tribal Nutrition
Sponsor: Cecilia Firethunder/Xavier Barraza
Sponsor Affilitation: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-036
Title: Support for the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC) Gaining Rights Under Canadian Law
Sponsor: Rob Sanderson, Jr.
Sponsor Affilitation: Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes
Status: Not Considered (motion to consider failed due to lack of a second)
Resolution: SAC-22-037
Title: Opposing Regulations that Diminish the Protection of Eagle Nests and Disregards Tribal Cultural Significance and Treaty Rights
Sponsor: Irene Folstrom
Sponsor Affilitation: Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-038
Title: Calling for Immediate Nation-to-Nation Consultation with the Federal Government Regarding Negotiations in the World Intellectual Property Organization
Sponsor: Teri Gobin
Sponsor Affilitation: Tulalip Tribes
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-039
Title: Calling for the Amendment of 18 U.S.C. 1152 to Expressly Preempt State Criminal Jurisdiction within Indian Country
Sponsor: Shaun Chapoose
Sponsor Affilitation: Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-040
Title: Commending Tribal Museums as the Purveyor of Appropriate Education About Diverse Native American Histories, Cultures and Lifeways, and Calling on the United States Congress and Executive Agencies to Support Tribal Capacity
Sponsor: Shannon O’Loughlin / Frank Ettawageshik
Sponsor Affilitation: Association on American Indian Affairs
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-041
Title: Acknowledging the Association on American Indian Affairs' 100th Anniversary
Sponsor: Shannon O’Loughlin / Frank Ettawageshik
Sponsor Affilitation: Association on American Indian Affairs
Status: Not Considered (resolution out-of-order)
Resolution: SAC-22-042
Title: Calling for Forward Funding for Bureau of Indian Education Johnson O'Malley Program
Sponsor: Suzette Haskie
Sponsor Affilitation: Navajo Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-043
Title: Calling on Congress to Enact the Legislative Proposal to Improve Public Safety in Indian Country
Sponsor: Marvin Weatherwax
Sponsor Affilitation: Blackfeet Nation/Coalition of Large Tribes
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-044
Title: Urging the State of New York and All States to Immediately Enact and Enforce Adequate Unmarked Burial Site Protection Laws
Sponsor: Harry Wallace
Sponsor Affiliation: Unkechaug Indian Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-045
Title: Requesting the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to update the 25 C.F.R. 140-Licensed Indian Traders, pursuant to his powers under 25 U.S.C. §261.Power to appoint traders with Indians
Sponsor: Xavier Barraza
Sponsor Affiliation: Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
Status: Not Considered (resolution duplicative of previous resolution)
Resolution: SAC-22-046
Title: Prioritize Efforts Addressing Disproportionate Impact To Educational Funding for Native American Students Living Near, or On, Native American Reservations Related to the Transition to Renewables and Corresponding Closure of Coal-fired Plants and Coal Mines near, or on, Native American Reservations
Sponsor: Suzette Haskie, Christina Aspaas, Gary Montoya
Sponsor Affiliation: Navajo Nation
Status: Not Considered (resolution out-of-order)
Resolution: SAC-22-047
Title: Support Efforts to Increase Impact Aid by National Indian Impacted Schools Association and National Association of Impacted School Districts
Sponsor: Suzette Haskie, Christina Aspaas, Gary Montoya
Sponsor Affiliation: Navajo Nation
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-048
Title: A Resolution Requesting The North Pacific Fisheries Management Council To Address Salmon Bycatch And Salmon Mortality Issues In Fisheries Of The Bering Sea / Aleutian Islands Affecting Coastal Western And Interior Alaska Salmon Stocks
Sponsor: Brian Ridley
Sponsor Affiliation: Native Village of Eagle
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-049
Title: A Resolution to Protect and Advance Alaska Native Access to Federal Programs, Funding Opportunities, and Consultation
Sponsor: Malia Villegas
Sponsor Affiliation: Native Village of Afognak
Status: Not Considered (resolution out-of-order)
Resolution: SAC-22-050
Title: Supporting the Right of all Native Peoples to Determine their own Form of Association and Tribal Government, and Supporting the Use for all Future Federal Programs, Funding, and Services of the Definition of Tribe in the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act that Includes Both Federally Recognized Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations
Sponsor: Charles Totemoff
Sponsor Affiliation: Chenega IRA Council
Status: Not Considered (resolution out-of-order)
Resolution: SAC-22-051
Title: Opposition To United States Small Business Administration’s Proposed Rule Requiring Native American Entity-Owned 8(a) Participants To Submit Community Benefits Plans To The SBA For Approval
Sponsor: Lillian Sparks Robinson
Sponsor Affiliation: Rosebud Sioux
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-052
Title: Renewing NCAI’s Call Upon HUD to Conduct Meaningful Consultation Prior to Making Decisions Having Tribal Implications and to Withdraw the Proposal to Remove Tribes from the Down Payment Assistance Program
Sponsor: Dawn Houle
Sponsor Affiliation: Chippewa Cree Tribe
Status: Adopted
Resolution: SAC-22-053
Title: Recommending John E. Echohawk for the Presidential Medal of
Sponsor: Ron Allen
Sponsor Affiliation: Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
Status: Adopted