2016 Mid Year

Final action on resolutions submitted for consideration at the NCAI Mid Year conference are posted here.

Resol. # Action Title/Content Committee Subcommittee
SPO-16-001 passed To Support Indian Tribes to Establish High School Equivalency Testing of Their Choice      Human Resources Education
SPO-16-002 passed Urging the Department of Defense to Reaffirm its Commitment to Consult with Tribal Nations when its Activities Impact Tribal Interests Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-003 passed Opposing Continued Operation of Unsafe Pipelines That Endanger Tribal Lands and Resources Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
SPO-16-004 passed Calling on Department of Treasury and Congress to Expand the Mission of the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee  Litigation and Governance Taxation
SPO-16-005 referred to EC Affirming Inherent Identity Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-006 passed Support Legislation to Return the Land and Resources of the National Bison Range to Federal Trust for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes  Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SPO-16-007 passed Support for Senator Tester’s SAFETY Act Human Resources Education
SPO-16-008 out of order Declaring NCAI’s Policy on Off-Reservation Gaming under Section 2719 (b)(1)(A) of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Litigation and Governance Tribal Gaming
SPO-16-009 out of order Declaring NCAI’s Neutrality on H.R. 5079  Litigation and Governance Tribal Gaming
SPO-16-010 tabled Support for the Toxic Exposure Research Act     Veterans  
SPO-16-011 tabled Support for a National Holiday Recognizing all Native Code Talkers     Veterans  
SPO-16-012 passed Opposition to Voucher Programs in Bureau of Indian Education Schools Human Resources Education
SPO-16-013 tabled to annual Support for Reforming Academic Indian Standard Education Act  Human Resources Education
SPO-16-014 passed Calling on Congress to Pass Legislation to Allow Elected Tribal Leaders to Contribute to and Receive the Benefits of the Social Security System     Litigation and Governance Taxation
SPO-16-015 passed Urging the Continued Meaningful Implementation of Executive Order 13175 “Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments” Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-016 passed Supporting the General Principles Expressed in the Native American Cultural Wisdom Declaration Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SPO-16-017 tabled Supporting the Continued Existence of Tribal Advisory Commitees Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-018 tabled to annual Supporting Great Plains Regional Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIE) Education Plan Human Resources Education
SPO-16-019 passed Recommendations for Department of Justice Funding of Tribal Public Safety Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-020 tabled Support S. 2953 Indian Health Service Accountability Act and Exempt Indian Tribes from the ACA Large Employer Mandate Human Resources Health 
SPO-16-021 passed Expansion of the Promise Zone Initiative Litigation and Governance Taxation
SPO-16-022 passed Remove the “Urban Place” Limitation in USDA’s Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations     Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SPO-16-023 passed Appeal to Improve American Indian/Alaska Native Student Identification at the Public K-12 and Higher Education  Human Resources Education
SPO-16-024 tabled United States Supreme Court Legal and Political Chart System Project Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-025 passed Request for Tribal Representation on State Energy Councils Land and Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Policy
SPO-16-026 tabled Support Federal and State Action Concerning the Reintroduction of Salmon and Steelhead above Blocked Areas of the Columbia River Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SPO-16-027 passed Makah Warmhouse Beach Dump Superfund Site Cleanup and Removal Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
SPO-16-028 passed Support the Restoration of Pacific Lamprey and the Pacific Lamprey National Fish Habitat Partnership Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SPO-16-029 passed Inviting the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to Visit Tribal Nations While Updating A Quiet Crisis: Federal Funding and Unmet Needs In Indian Country Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-030 tabled Opposition to Voucher Programs: Education Savings Accounts In Bureau of Indian Education Schools  Human Resources Education
SPO-16-031 passed Requesting Administration Support for an Exemption for Tribes from Requirements of the Affordable Care Act Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate Human Resources Health 
SPO-16-032 passed Support of Retaining the Training and Technical Assistance Program within the Office of Native American Programs Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SPO-16-033 tabled Urging Congress to Continue to Provide Adequate Funding Levels for Native American Housing Programs Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SPO-16-034 passed Urging HUD to Include Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program to Provide Rental Assistance Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SPO-16-035 passed Expand the Annual Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Allocation By 50% and Create a Set-Aside for Tribal Governments Litigation and Governance Taxation 
SPO-16-036 passed Request Immediate Action by the United States Attorney General on the Remaining Request for Federal Jurisdiction under Section 221 of the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-037 passed Combatting Non-Indian Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: A Call for a Full Oliphant Fix Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-038 Withdrawn      
SPO-16-039 passed Support the Tribal Tax and Investment Reform Act of 2016 Litigation and Governance Taxation
SPO-16-040 tabled Reaffirmation of Support for the Proposed Tribal Resources Economic Growth Act of 2016 Economic, Finance, and Community Development Economic Development, Finance, and Employment
SPO-16-041 passed Collecting and Reporting Data Concerning Tribally-Owned Public Transportation Facilities Economic, Finance, and Community Development Transportation and Infrastructure
SPO-16-042 passed Recognition of Tribal Government and Tribal Veteran Representatives CFR 38, 14(d) Veterans  
SPO-16-043 passed Opposing the Use of a Question on Tribal Enrollment in the 2020 Census or in the American Community Survey Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-044 out of order Reaffirming NCAI’s Opposition to Amending IGRA Absent a Seminole Fix Litigation and Governance Tribal Gaming
SPO-16-045 passed Call for the Implementation of the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee Litigation and Governance Taxation
SPO-16-046 Passed Supporting Policies to Reduce Commercial Tobacco Use, Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Tobacco-Related Disease among American Indians and Alaska Natives Human Resources Health 
SPO-16-047 passed Secretary of Interior to Establish Guidelines or Regulations for Public Law 280 Retrocession Building on Experience with the Yakama Nation Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-048 passed A Call to Action by Tribal Government and Tribal Community Leaders to Promote Native Vote in 2016 and Beyond Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-049 out of order Reaffirming NCAI’s Opposition to Amending IGRA Absent a Seminole Fix and Opposing H.R. 5079 Litigation and Governance Tribal Gaming
SPO-16-050 passed Requesting U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Native American Programs to Abide by the  Notice and Hearing Requirements of 24 CFR 1000  Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SPO-16-051 tabled Support for Designation of the Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SPO-16-052 passed Requesting that the CFPB Extend the Comment Period on its Proposed Rules on Small Dollar Lending and Arbitration Agreements Pending Meaningful Consultation with Tribal Governments; and Requesting that DOJ Engage in Consultation Regarding the Application of State Law to  Tribal Internet Transactions Economic, Finance, and Community Development Economic, Finance, and Employment
SPO-16-053 passed Supporting S. 2785, the Tribal Youth & Community Protection Act Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-054 passed Supporting the Tribal Law and Order Reauthorization and Amendments Act Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-055 passed Urging DOJ to increase enforcement of the Voting Rights Act in Indian Communities Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SPO-16-056 tabled, NCAI will send letter Support Increased Appropriations for Sec 6133 ESSA Native American and Alaska Native Language Immersion Schools and Programs Human Resources Education
SPO-16-057 passed Internal Revenue Service Consultation with Tribes Relating to Ceremonial Activities Litigation and Governance Taxation 
SPO-16-058 passed Calling on the USDA to Initiate Tribal Consultation on Issues Related to the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SPO-16-059 passed In Support of Native American Full Participation in the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Business Development Program Economic, Finance, and Community Development