2015 Annual Resolutions

The final action and links to adopted resolutions considered at the 2015 Annual Convention are posted below. 

Resolution  #     Action Title/Content Committee Subcommittee
SD-15-001 Passed In Support of the Name Bear Lodge National Monument (Currently “Devils Tower”) Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-002 Passed Exempt Tribes from FERPA’s Advance Consent Requirement and Thereby Provide Access to Tribal Student Records  Human Resources Education
SD-15-003 Postponed Indefinitely American Indian Veterans Memorial Exhibit at the "Education Center at the Wall" on the National Mall in Washington, DC Veterans  
SD-15-004 Passed Call for Amendment to the Internal Revenue Code to Support the Return of Objects to Tribes Litigation and Governance  Taxation
SD-15-005 Passed Requesting the Re-Naming of Fort Custer Training Center Located in the State of Michigan  Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-006 Passed In Support of Allowing Native Students to Wear Eagle Feathers at High School Graduation Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-007 Passed Calling on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to Adopt an Agreement that Upholds the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-008 Withdrawn Requesting Federal Agency Protection of Indian Treaty Rights    Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-009 Passed Oppose Proposed Amendments to the Hydropower Provisions of the Federal Power Act Land and Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Policy
SD-15-010 Passed Calling Upon Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to Expeditiously Appoint Commissioners to the Vacant Seats on the National Indian Gaming Commission Litigation and Governance  Tribal Gaming
SD-15-011 Passed Pledge to Defend ICWA Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-012 Passed Support for Removal of “Alaska NAHASDA Rider” to FY 2016 Appropriation Bill Affecting Alaska’s Federally Recognized Tribes and Their “Self-Determination” Rights To Be Direct Recipients of Native American Housing Block Grant Funding Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SD-15-013 Passed Oppose the “Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation’s” Implementation of Standard 3.2.   Human Resources Education
SD-15-014 Passed Requesting Additional Changes to the Magnuson Stevens Act Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-015 Passed Calling for an Equal Role of the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission in Unified Management for the Restoration and Conservation of Yukon River King Salmon Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-016 Passed Urging Congress to Amend the Alaska Native Vietnam Veterans Allotment Act to Obtain Allotments within the State of Alaska Veterans  
SD-15-017 Tabled Call for Advancement of Meaningful Alaska Native Co-Management of Traditional and Customary Fish and Wildlife Resources for the Improvement of Resource Management for All of Alaska Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-018 Tabled In Support of FY 2016 HUD Indian Housing Block Grant Funding     Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SD-15-019 Passed A Call on Congress to Enact Legislation That Will Ensure Uniform, Effective and Meaningful Consultation with Indian Nations and Tribes Whenever Federal Activities Have Tribal Impacts   Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-020 Passed To Protect Paleontological Resources on Tribal and Ancestral Tribal Lands Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-021 Tabled Opposing the Bureau of Indian Education’s Reorganization and Reprogramming of Funding Human Resources Education
SD-15-022 Tabled Declaring Unequivocal Support for the Indian Child Welfare Act and the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Guidelines and Proposed Regulations Serve the Best Interests of Indian Children Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-023 Tabled Protecting Tribal Sovereignty by Opposing S.1984 and the Effort to Cut Off Federal Funds for Tribal Marijuana-Related Activities Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-024 Passed Support for the Tribal Climate Change Principles: Responding to Federal Policies and Actions to Address Climate Change Document and its Swift Implementation by the Federal Government   Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
SD-15-025 Passed Urging the Department of the Interior to Support Policy in Favor of In-Situ Reburial of Artifacts Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-026 Passed Support the Reaffirmation of the Uncompahgre Reservation Boundaries and Restore Lands to Tribal Trust Ownership  Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-027 Passed Support of the Inclusion of Doctors of Chiropractic, Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine and Licensed Acupuncturists at Indian Health  Service and Tribal Facilities Human Resources Health
SD-15-028 Withdrawn Reaffirming and Preserving Rights of “Removed” Native Nations and Tribes in Their Original Homelands and Ceded Territories, including Burial Grounds and Other Sacred Places, and Fishing, Gathering and Hunting Areas   Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-029 Passed Support for Tribal Governments Exercising Sovereignty in Food Production and Food Systems to Promote Strong Culture and Healthier Communities    Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-030 Passed Support for Legislative Action to Return the Ancient One to Claimant Tribes Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-031 Passed Urge Congress to Consider and Implement the Two (2) Recommended Solutions for Housing Concerns Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SD-15-032 Passed Urge the US Department of Housing & Urban Development Involve Tribal Governments and Tribally Designated Housing Entities in the Process of Vetting and Selecting a Qualified Native American Candidate for the Position of Deputy Assistant Secretary Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SD-15-033 Tabled Urging Congress to Reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) as Soon as Possible, for a Minimum of Five Years Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SD-15-034 Passed Opposing Idaho’s Proposed Water Quality Standards and Fish Consumption Rate Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
SD-15-035 Tabled Review of Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Rules, Regulations and Policies Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-036 Passed Support for Tribal Tax Reform and Setting Tax Policy Priorities Litigation and Governance  Taxation
SD-15-037 Passed Urging the Federal Communications Commission to Improve Access to Spectrum Licenses for Tribal Nations Economic, Finance, and Community Development Technology and Telecommunications
SD-15-038 Passed Indian Country’s Priorities for Federal Energy Legislation  Land and Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Policy
SD-15-039 Tabled Supporting the Pueblo of Pojoaque and Asking the Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to Uphold IGRA and the Secretarial Procedures Litigation and Governance  Tribal Gaming
SD-15-040 Withdrawn To Request Federal Agency Protection of Indian Treaty Rights Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-041 Passed In Support of Efforts to Exert Economic Pressures against the Washington, DC National Football League Team Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-042 Tabled Reauthorize Older Americans Act and Increase Funding For Title VI Program Human Resources Elders
SD-15-043 Passed Support for Full Funding and Permanent Reauthorization of the Historic Preservation Fund Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-044 Tabled To Urge the U.S. Congress to Enact H.R. 3137 and S. 1931 Federal Legislation to Reaffirm Tribal Government Trust Lands Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-045 Passed Urging the Department of Interior to Address the Harms of State Taxation in Indian Country and Prevent Dual Taxation of Indian Communities  Litigation and Governance  Taxation
SD-15-046 Passed Per Capita Distributions of Tribal Trust Funds   Litigation and Governance  Taxation
SD-15-047 Passed Marijuana and Hemp Policy in Indian Country Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-048 Passed Support for Recognition of Pharmacists as Non-Physician Providers under Medicare Part B  Human Resources Health
SD-15-049 Passed Protecting Tribal Communities and Culture in Alaska by Requesting the United States Implement the Boundary Waters Treaty through International Joint Commission (IJC) Involvement and Seek the Consent of Tribal Governments in all Agreements between Alaska and British Columbia Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
SD-15-050 Passed Improved Partnerships between the Department of Health and Human Services, DHHS Agencies and Tribes in the Development and Implementation of National Studies, Research, and Evaluation to Raise the Level of Health for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Human Resources Health
SD-15-051 Passed Opposition to Lawsuits Challenging the Constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-052 Tabled Support for Strong Tribal Transportation Provisions in the Reauthorization of the National Transportation Act Economic, Finance, and Community Development Transportation and Infrastructure
SD-15-053 Passed Enforcement of Exclusion Orders, Protective Orders, and Trespass Violations in Indian Country  Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-054 Passed Support for Development of Indian History Standards for Use in All Public Schools in the United States     Human Resources Education
SD-15-055 Tabled Encouraging Use of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by Individual Tribal Citizen, Regardless of Location Human Resources Health
SD-15-056 Passed Support for Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act exempting Tribes from the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)  Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-057 Passed To Support Only Internet Gaming Legislation that Fully Recognizes and Protects Indian Gaming Operations under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and that Satisfies the NIGA Principles of Sovereignty for Any Internet Gaming Legislation Litigation and Governance  Tribal Gaming
SD-15-058 Passed Support for Legislation Exempting Tribal Programs from the Effects of Sequestration Under the Federal Budget Control Act of 2011 Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-059 Tabled Expressing Concern about Applicability of Employer Mandate to Tribes and Tribal Organizations under the Affordable Care Act Human Resources Health
SD-15-060 Passed Support for Development of Hemp as a Cash Crop on Indian Reservation     Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-061 Tabled Support for Increased Funding for American Indian Teaching Corps Human Resources Education
SD-15-062 Tabled Support for Reauthorization of the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA)  Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
SD-15-063 Tabled Support for Increased Amounts for Pell Grants for College Education for Tribal Citizens and Other Students  Human Resources Education
SD-15-064 Passed Support for NCAI Tribal TANF Task Force Legislative and Administrative Priorities  Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-065 Passed Support for the Presidential Authorities to Declare National Monuments under the 1906 Antiquities Act     Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-066 Passed Advancement of a Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda     Human Resources Health
SD-15-067 Passed Exclusion of Honoraria for Civic Participation in Tribal Nation Government Activities from Gross Income      Litigation and Governance  Taxation
SD-15-068 Passed Urge Support for  Federal Legislation to Substantiate Existing Federal Rights-of-Way on Tribal Lands Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-069 Passed To Increase the Funding level of the BIA Roads Maintenance Program and to Address the Cost of Current and Deferred BIA Road Maintenance within the Department of Interior  Economic, Finance, and Community Development Transportation and Infrastructure
SD-15-070 Passed Request CMS to Extend 100% FMAP to All Services Received through the IHS or Tribal Health Facilities and Urban Indian Health Programs and to Include Services Provided through the Purchased & Referred Care Program Human Resources Health
SD-15-071 Passed Support for the Inclusion of ICWA Data in the Adoption and Foster Care Automated Reporting System (AFCARS) Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-072 Passed Support for Trust Modernization Principles to Bring Trust Asset Management and the Federal Trust Relationship into the 21st Century Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
SD-15-073 Passed Supporting the Bureau of Indian Education’s Reorganization and Reprogramming of Funding Human Resources Education
SD-15-074 Passed Supporting the International Repatriation Project of the Association on American Indian Affairs Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-075 Passed Support the Efforts to Stop the Theft and Illegal Sale of Pueblo Cultural Patrimony Items Both Domestically and Abroad     Litigation and Governance  Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
SD-15-076 Passed Requesting that the National Congress of American Indians Support the Re-Opening of the Turning Point Program in Yuma, AZ Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-077 Passed In Support of Equity in Federal Funding for 1994 Land-Grant Institutions (Tribally Chartered College & Universities) and Indian Extension Agent Programs Human Resources Education
SD-15-078 Tabled Full Federal Funding of Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-079 Passed Reaffirm Call for Tribal Person to Head Administration for Children and Families (AC) Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in Washington, DC Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
SD-15-080 Passed Urging the Administration to Consult on Funding for Tribal Assistance at DOJ    Litigation and Governance  Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
SD-15-081 Withdrawn Support Tribes Seeking Tier Outstanding Natural Resource Waterbody Designation by their State Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
SD-15-082 Withdrawn Reaffirming Support for Passage of the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act Amendments of 2015     Land and Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Policy
SD-15-083 Passed Support for Adequate Funding and Expansion of the Quentin N. Burdick Indians into Medicine Program and Similar Programs Helping Native Americans and Alaska Natives Enter the Medical Professions Human Resources Health