2014 Annual Resolutions

This page lists the resolutions considered at NCAI's 2014 Annual Convention.  For more information about the resolutions process, visit the NCAI resolution home page

Res.  # Action Title/Content Submitted By Committee Subcmt
ATL-14-001 Passed Support Bureau of Indian Education Inclusion to All Tribes Ukallaysaaq Okleasik Human Resources Education
ATL-14-002 Passed Support for the Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience (NATIVE) Act Sherry L. Rupert  Economic, Finance, and Community Development Economic Development, Finance, & Employment
ATL-14-003 Passed Support for the Permanent Reauthorization of the Special Diabetes Programs for Indians Aaron Payment Human Resources Health
ATL-14-004 Passed Supporting Traditional Peacemaking and Incorporation into Tribal Justice Systems Erma Vizenor Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-005 Passed Request to Obama Administration for Full and Permanent Funding of the Historic Preservation Fund Leonard Forsman, Chairman Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-006 Tabled Request to Obama Administration for Full and Permanent Funding of the Historic Preservation Fund Fawn Sharp Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-007 Passed Social Security Benefits James DeLaCruz Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-008 Passed To Support the Swift Enactment of the Federal Subsistence Board Proposed Amendments to Determine Rural Community Status under Title VIII of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act Sylvia Banie Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-009 Passed Supporting Return of the Valles Caldera to the Pueblo of Jemez Joshua Madalena, Governor, Pueblo of Jemez Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-010 Passed Urging Government-to-Government Consultation between the FirstNet Authority and Tribal Nations Loris Taylor, President & CEO, Native Public Media Economic, Finance, and Community Development Technology and Telecom
ATL-14-011 Passed Urging the U.S. Secretary of Education to Take Substantive Action Regarding Schools with “Native” Sports Stereotypes Suzan Shown Harjo (Cheyenne & Hodulgee Muscogee) Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-012 Passed Support for Continued Federal Recognition of the Eastern Pequot Nation and Removal of Third Party Veto from Proposed Final Recognition Process Dennis Jenkins Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-013 Passed Enact a Technical Amendment to Remove the “Kiddie Tax” Penalty from Transfers of Tribal Funds to Tribal Children and College Students Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) Litigation and Governance Taxation
ATL-14-014 Passed Support for Legislation Authorizing Federal Financial Support for the Construction, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Authorized Indian Irrigation and Related Water Projects Southern Ute Indian Tribe Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-015 Passed Urgent Need for Congress to Promptly Pass the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Amendments Act of 2014 (S.919 and H.R. 4546) Melanie Benjamin  Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-016 Withdrawn Reaffirmation of Tribal Government Trust Lands Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Robert McGhee Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-017 Passed Call for Alaska Native Self-Determination in the Management of Their Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, And Gathering Rights and Resources Victor Joseph, Tanana Chiefs Conference Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-018 Passed Protection of Alaska Native Traditional Resource Management Practices Victor Joseph, Tanana Chiefs Conference Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-019 Passed Reduction of Chinook and Chum Salmon Bycatch in The Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Victor Joseph, Tanana Chiefs Conference Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-020 Withdrawn Supporting Department of the Interior Proposed Regulatory Change to Permit the Secretary of the Interior to Receive and Consider Applications from Alaska Tribes to have Tribal Lands Accepted into Trust Status Victor Joseph, Tanana Chiefs Conference Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-021 Withdrawn Urging Congress to Enact S. 1474, The Alaska Safe Families And Villages Act Victor Joseph, Tanana Chiefs Conference Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-022 Passed Urging the Federal Government to Safeguard Tribal First Foods Kathryn Brigham, Secretary, Board of Trustees of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation  Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-023 Passed Implementation of H.R. 3043, Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act by U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service Jason Giles Litigation and Governance Taxation
ATL-14-024 Passed Support for S. 2440, “the BLM Permit Processing Improvement Act,” and Needed Amendments to Address Indian Energy Development Chairman Gordon Howell, Ute Indian Tribe Land and Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Policy
ATL-14-025 Passed Amending the Alaska-Specific Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act to Include All Federally Recognized Tribes and Afford Flexibility in the Design of Tribally Administered TANF Programming Victor Joseph, Tanana Chiefs Conference Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
ATL-14-026 Passed Call to Begin Education and Healing From Historical and Intergenerational Trauma Erma Vizenor Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-027 Passed Support for Tribes Participating in the Indian Health Service Joint Venture Construction Program to Receive Funding for the Projects in the Same or Immediately Subsequent Fiscal Year in which the Tribes’ Joint Venture Agreements are approved Seth Pearman Human Resources Health
ATL-14-028 Passed Support for the Reauthorization of the Family Violence Prevention Services Act Inclusive of Increased FVPSA Funding, an Increased Tribal Set-Aside, Inclusion of Tribal Domestic Violence Coalitions, and Development of a Native Hotline/Helpline Juana Majel-Dixon Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-029 Tabled Support Economic Development in Indian Country Through Enactment of Tribal Amendments to MAP-21 Highway Bill   Economic, Finance, and Community Development Transportation and Infrastructure
ATL-14-030 Passed Require Tribal Consultation by the Department of the Interior’s Indian Business Center for Indirect Cost Rate Policy Changes Courtney Ruark Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-031 Passed Supporting EPA Promulgation of Surface Water Quality Standards for States that Fail to Adopt Standards that Adequately Protect Tribal People Who Practice Subsistence Lifeways Carle Merkle Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
ATL-14-032 Passed Calling for Protection of Native Peoples’ Sacred Places, Sacred Objects and Ancestors under United States, Native Nations and International Law, Policy and Practice Suzan Shown Harjo (Cheyenne & Hodulgee Muscogee) Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-033 Passed For the United States, Including the Federal Agency Managing Hanford Nuclear Reservation, to Recognize a Reversionary Interest or a First Right of Refusal Vested in Tribes when the Federal Government Seeks to Sell or Convey Title to Indigenous Lands It Holds Terry Goudy Rambler Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-034 Passed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Prevention and Control Travis Lane Human Resources Health
ATL-14-035 Passed General Support for Bureau of Indian Affairs Rights-of-Way on Indian Land Proposed Regulations Gordon Howell Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-036 Passed Support of Federal Funding for Long Term Services and Support Authorized by Section 205 (b) of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) Vernon Miller Human Resources Health
ATL-14-037 Passed Support for Congress to Request Studies Concerning Emergency Management and Response in Tribal Nations Sara Jane Smallwood Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-038 Passed Support of Federal Appeal on State Attempt to Significantly Narrow the Federal Definition of Indian Country Gordon Howell Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-039 Passed Supporting the Utilization of U.S. Census Data for Updating the Johnson-O’Malley Student Count Carla Mann Human Resources Education
ATL-14-040 Passed To Oppose the $66.5 Million Default by the Barron Collier Companies on its Debt Owed to the United States for Indian Education and to Urge the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Congress to Take All Actions Necessary to Recover or Replace these Funds for the Benefit of Indian Education in Arizona Travis Lane Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-041 Tabled To Support the Creation of a Tribal/Federal Task Force to Study the Funding Constraints of the Bureau of Indian Education and Formulate Next Steps Fawn Sharp  Human Resources Education
ATL-14-042 Tabled Support to Amend the Government Performance and Results Act Measures Utilized By the Office of Indian Education Fawn Sharp Human Resources Education
ATL-14-043 Passed Haskell Indian Nations University Feasibility Study Fawn Sharp Human Resources Education
ATL-14-044 Passed Support to Promote the Education of Migratory Children Accountable For Native Students Fawn Sharp Human Resources Education
ATL-14-045 Passed Fully Fund Contract Support Costs (CSC) Funding in FY 2015 and Future Appropriations Fawn Sharp Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-046 Passed Urging Housing and Urban Development and Department of Labor to Suspend Application of Recent Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations in Indian Country until Tribal Consultation Takes Place Fawn Sharp Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
ATL-14-047 Passed Request Statutory Language Amendment to Increase Allocation for Indian Community Development Block Program Fawn Sharp Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
ATL-14-048 Passed Tribal Access to Criminal Background Database Information for Civil Purposes Fawn Sharp Human Resources Indian Child and Family Welfare
ATL-14-048B Passed Tribal Access to Criminal Databases for Criminal and VAWA 2013 Process   Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-049 Passed Support for the Intertribal Buffalo Council in Yellowstone Buffalo Matters Fawn Sharp Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-050 Passed Support the Wildfire Disaster Funding Legislation Fawn Sharp Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-051 Tabled Urging the Federal Government to Safeguard Tribal First Foods Fawn Sharp Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-052 Tabled Fiduciary Protocol for American Indian Veterans and Process of the Veterans Administration and Tribal Government Programs Fawn Sharp Veterans  
ATL-14-053 Tabled Recognition of Tribal Veteran Representatives and Tribal Governments to the Department of Veteran Affairs Administration; RE:  Sec. 624 & 625; S. 1950 Fawn Sharp Veterans  
ATL-14-054 Passed Supporting Amendments to Voting Rights Act to Ensure Access to the Vote in Indian Country Brian Cladoosby Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-055 Passed Gerontology and Geriatric Research to Benefit American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Elders and Tribes Eddie Tullis Human Resources Health
ATL-14-056 Passed Medicaid Asset Recovery Exemption for American Indian/Alaska Natives Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-057 Passed Support for a National American Indian/Alaska Native Hearing on Aging Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-058 Budget Taskforce NICOA Elders Oppose Cuts in Title V Funding Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-059 Passed Request for Comparable Equity between Title III State Services and Title VI Tribal Services Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-060 to be acted upon NICOA Elders Request Long Term Care Funding Eddie Tullis Human Resources Health
ATL-14-061 Tabled NICOA Elders Support Dental Therapy for all American Indian Rural Areas Eddie Tullis Human Resources Health
ATL-14-062 Passed Support Medicaid Expansion for Every State Eddie Tullis Human Resources Health
ATL-14-063 Passed Support the Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-064 Passed Support Social Security Administration Consultation with Tribal Governments Prior to Closure of Any Field Offices Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-065 Passed Support for Modernization Legislation of the Supplemental Security Income Program Eddie Tullis Human Resources Elders
ATL-14-066 Passed Support Workforce Training Programs in the Field of Energy Development and Community Development CJ Stewart Economic, Finance, and Community Development Economic Development, Finance, & Employment
ATL-14-067 Passed Supporting United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/69/2: Outcome Document of the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly Known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and Calling on the UN, Member States, and Indigenous Governments to Implement Decisions Therein Lt. Gov Jefferson Keel Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-068 Passed Support for the Establishment of Cooperative Relationships Regarding International Institutions Housing Native American Human Remains, Funerary Objects, and Items of Cultural Patrimony Aaron Payment Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-069 Tabled U.S. Dept. HHS and Tribal Leaders Establish a Committee to Study the True Level of Funding for Indian Health Service to Provide Healthcare to American Indians and Alaskan Natives (“from cradle to grave”) Frederick Rundlet Human Resources Health
ATL-14-070 Tabled GAO Comprehensive Study of Indian Health Service’s RPMS and HER Frederick Rundlet Human Resources Health
ATL-14-071 Tabled To Support the Reauthorization of Title VIII as Part of the Overall Reauthorization of NAHASDA Programs Shawn Pensoneau Economic, Finance, and Community Development Housing
ATL-14-072 Tabled Support for Fully Funding Contract Support Costs without Cuts to Services Stacy Bohlen Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-073 Passed Establish an American Indian/Alaska Native Exemption Application Customer Service Unit    Stacy Bohlen Human Resources Health
ATL-14-074 Passed Establish an American Indian/Alaska Native Affordable Care Act Call Center  Stacy Bohlen Human Resources Health
ATL-14-075 Tabled Support for the Authorized Rural Water Projects Completion Act Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy’s Reservation  Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-076 Passed Calling on the Federal Communications Commission to Engage in Tribal Consultation Regarding Proposed Reforms to the High Cost Loop Support Mechanism in the Universal Service Fund Belinda Nelson Economic, Finance, and Community Development Technology and Telecommunications
ATL-14-077 Passed Calling on Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to Elevate the Office of Native Affairs and Policy to a Stand-Alone Office at the Federal Communications Commission Matthew Rantanen Economic, Finance, and Community Development Technology and Telecom
ATL-14-078 Passed Reaffirming Support for Passage of the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act Amendments of 2014 Brian Gunn Land and Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Policy
ATL-14-079 Passed Support for Congressional Oversight Concerning the Bureau of Indian Education Restructuring and Blueprint for Reform   Human Resources Education
ATL-14-080 Passed Support for NCAI, in Conjunction with NIEA and Other Educational Associations, to Evaluate of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education   Human Resources Education
ATL-14-081 Passed Honoring the Life and Legislative Recommendations of Kaagoowu, The Late Dr. William Demmert, by Supporting the Native Language Immersion Student Achievement Act   Human Resources Education
ATL-14-082 Passed To Protect Transboundary Rivers in the Alaska/British Columbia Region by Requesting the United States to Implement the Boundary Waters Treaty through International Joint Commision (IJC) Involvement John Morris Land and Natural Resources Environmental Protection and Land Use
ATL-14-083 Passed Supporting the Pueblo of Pojoaque and asking the Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to uphold IGRA and the Secretarial Procedures Danielle Her Many Horses Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-084 Passed Recommendations for Addressing the State of Emergency in Federal Underfunding of the Trust Responsibility   Litigation and Governance Jurisdiction and Tribal Government
ATL-14-085 Tabled Trust Reform Priority Issues   Land and Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
ATL-14-086 Tabled  Establishing a Tribal Trade Corporation   Executive  
ATL-14-087 Passed Call for Federal Entities to Take Actions on Sacred “Sites” Memorandum of Understanding   Suzan Shown Harjo Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns
ATL-14-088 Passed Seeking a Just Result and Final Resting Place for Jim Thorpe, in Accordance with His Express Wishes     Suzan Shown Harjo Litigation and Governance Human, Religious, and Cultural Concerns