2014 Mid Year Resolutions

2014 Mid-Year Conference Resolutions

This table includes the action taken on resolutions considered at the NCAI Mid-Year meeting in Anchorage, AK.  The resolutions included in this table are also available in NCAI's searchable resolution database.

Resolution # Action Title/Content Committee Subcommittee
ANC-14-001 Passed Call for IRS to Defer to the Department of the Interior on Characterization of Tribal Trust Funds Litigation & Governance Taxation
ANC-14-002-A Passed Tribal General Welfare Programs - Exclusion from Housing Income Calculations Litigation & Governance Taxation
ANC-14-002-B Passed Continuing Support for Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act, H.R.3043 and S.1507 Litigation & Governance Taxation
ANC-14-003 Passed Proposal to Enact Permanent Mandatory Appropriations for Contract Support Costs Under ISDEAA  Litigation & Governance Jurisdiction & Tribal Government
ANC-14-004 Passed To Support the Swift Enactment of Regulations Governing the Procedures for Alaska Tribal Governments to Place Lands into Trust Status    Litigation & Governance Jurisdiction & Tribal Government
ANC-14-005 Passed Calling upon Members of Congress to Pass Meaningful Federal Chemicals Policy Reform for the Protection of Present and Future Generations Land & Natural Resources Environmental Protection & Land Use
ANC-14-006 Passed Support for the Enactment of Legislation that would Expand the Medicare-Like Rate Cap to all Nonhospital Services for Purchased/Referred Care at the Indian Health Service   Human Resources Health
ANC-14-007 Passed Advance Appropriations for the Indian Health Service   Human Resources Health
ANC-14-008 No Action Commemorate the Accomplishments of the Cheyenne River Youth Project on its 25th Anniversary Human Resources Indian Child & Family Welfare
ANC-14-009 Tabled  Supporting Tribally-Operated Schools and Culturally-Appropriate Education Opportunities for Alaska Native Youth by Re-Establishing Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) Funding in Alaska Human Resources Education
ANC-14-010 Passed In Support of Public Service Media Programs for Alaska Natives and Tribal Peoples Economic, Finance & Community Development Technology & Telecommunications
ANC-14-011 Passed Supporting and Providing Additional Detail for New Bureau of Indian Affairs Regional Office to Serve Energy Producing Tribes    Land & Natural Resources Energy & Mineral Policy
ANC-14-012 Passed Support for Congressional Legislation to Protect Native American Seeds Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-013 Passed Negative Effects of Canadian Transboundary Mining Land & Natural Resources Energy & Mineral Policy
ANC-14-014 Tabled, merged with 15 Reaffirming America’s Historic Commitment to Provide Access to Communications Services for All Americans in the Communications Act Re-Write Economic, Finance & Community Development Technology & Telecommunications
ANC-14-015 Passed Calling on Congress to Establish Formal Recognition of Tribal Sovereignty and Tribal Consultation in the Communications Act Economic, Finance & Community Development Technology & Telecommunications
ANC-14-016 Passed Support Amending Government Performance and Results Act Measures Utilized by the Office of Indian Education Human Resources Education
ANC-14-017 Tabled Support for Native Language Instruction and Revitalization Human Resources Education
ANC-14-018 Passed Support for the Elimination of Race-Based Native Logos, Mascots, and Names by State Athletic Associations Receiving Federal Funds Litigation & Governance Human, Religious & Cultural Concerns
ANC-14-019 Passed To Support the Creation of a Tribal/Federal Task Force to Study the Funding Constraints of the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and Next Steps Human Resources Education
ANC-14-020 Passed Support of Collaboration and Consultation for Educational Success Human Resources Education
ANC-14-021 Tabled Support of Title VII within the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Human Resources Education
ANC-14-022 Passed Requesting Equal Treatment for Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies in Obtaining National Firearms Act Weapons and Tools Litigation & Governance Jurisdiction & Tribal Government
ANC-14-023 Passed Supporting the Inherent and Recognized Rights of the Yupiit people of the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers to Engage in Traditional and Customary Fishing of King Salmon Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-024 Passed Urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to Prohibit the Use of PCBs in New Products Land & Natural Resources Environmental Protection & Land Use
ANC-14-025 Passed Recognition of the Pueblo of Zia’s Cultural Property Rights to the Zia Sun Symbol Litigation & Governance Human, Religious & Cultural Concerns
ANC-14-026 Passed Support for Congressional Authorization of Tribal Subchapter S Corporations  Litigation & Governance Taxation
ANC-14-027 Tabled Indian Country’s Unified Stance on Climate Change Policy   Land & Natural Resources Environmental Protection & Land Use
ANC-14-028 Tabled Support for the Proposal to Enact Permanent Mandatory Appropriations for Contract Support Costs Under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Litigation & Governance Jurisdiction & Tribal Government
ANC-14-029 Passed To Support Tribal Housing Provisions in the NAHASDA Reauthorization that Address Historical Issues Economic, Finance & Community Development Housing
ANC-14-030 Tabled Pass Senate Bill 1352: Reauthorization of NAHASDA and Increase in Congressional Appropriations over its Five Year Term Economic, Finance & Community Development Housing
ANC-14-031 Passed Supporting the Sovereign Right of the Ahtna Federally Recognized Tribes to Co-Manage Wildlife in their Traditional Hunting Territory Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-032 Passed Obama Native Nations Policy  Litigation & Governance Jurisdiction & Tribal Government
ANC-14-033 Passed Requesting an Immediate Suspension of Any “Consolidation Plan” for the Office of Hearings and Appeals, Probate Hearings Division in the Department of the Interior Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-034 Passed Make Permanent the Indian Employment Tax Credit and Accelerated Depreciation on Indian Reservations Litigation & Governance Taxation
ANC-14-035 Passed Support for Enactment of Promise Zone Tax Credits Litigation & Governance Taxation
ANC-14-036 Tabled Support Amendments to the Reauthorization of the Education Science Reform Act Of 2002  Human Resources Education
ANC-14-037 Passed Opposing the Introduction of Genetically Engineered Salmon Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-038 Tabled Request HUD to Initiate Government-To-Government Consultation to Update the Indian Community Development Block Grant Formula Allocation  Economic, Finance & Community Development Housing
ANC-14-039 Tabled In Opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana and In Favor of a Positive, Public-Health, Youth Supportive Approach to Marijuana Prevention and Policy Litigation & Governance Jurisdiction & Tribal Government
ANC-14-040 Passed Support for Native Language Instruction and Revitalization in Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) Human Resources Education
ANC-14-041 Tabled Support to Expand Medicare-Like Rates to Non-Hospital Based Services Human Resources Health
ANC-14-042 Passed Modernizing the U.S. – Canada Columbia River Treaty Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-043 Tabled Urging the Environmental Protection Agency to Prohibit the Use of PCBs in Any Amount in New Products Land & Natural Resources Environmental Protection & Land Use
ANC-14-044 Passed Support for Declaration of Fraser River Sockeye Fishery Disaster and Urging Congress to Appropriate Funds for Disaster Relief  Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-045 Withdrawn withdrawn Protection of Tribal Homelands    
ANC-14-046 Passed Requesting that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Consult with Indian Tribes before Taking Actions that Threaten Eagle Populations    Litigation & Governance Human, Religious & Cultural Concerns
ANC-14-047 Passed Supporting the Sovereign Right of Alaska Tribes to Contract/Compact and Co-Manage their Natural and Environmental Resources Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-048 Passed Support for a Dedicated Tribal Set-Aside in the Victims of Crime Act Fund  Litigation & Governance Human, Religious & Cultural Concerns
ANC-14-049 Passed Support for the Creation of a 'Tribal Priority' in E-Rate Funding for Tribal Libraries and Schools Economic, Finance & Community Development Technology & Telecommunications
ANC-14-050 Passed Establishing a Working Committee on Tribal Commerce Issues Economic, Finance & Community Development Economic Development, Finance & Employment
ANC-14-051 Passed Supporting Trust Asset Modernization Legislation Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-052 Passed Support for Sustained Federal Funding for Tribal Water & Wastewater Operator Certification Programs and Funding Parity with State Operated Certification Programs Land & Natural Resources Environmental Protection & Land Use
ANC-14-053 Passed Reimbursing Tribal Health Facilities for Eligible Services Provided to Veterans under the Affordable Care Act Veterans  
ANC-14-054 Passed Call upon Food and Nutrition Service to Remedy Food Shortages in the Food Distribution on Indian Reservations Program and Purchase Traditional Foods for Food Packages Land & Natural Resources Trust Lands, Natural Resources & Agriculture
ANC-14-055 Tabled Support for the Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience (NATIVE) Act Economic, Finance & Community Development Economic Development, Finance & Employment
ANC-14-056 Executive Support for Bill to Transfer Lands of Cultural Significance from the Department of Agriculture to the Hoopa Valley Tribe Executive  
ANC-14-057 Executive Forming N.A.P.A.C., the Native American Political Action Committee:  A Political Fundraising Mechanism for Federally Recognized Tribes to Make Political Campaign Contributions for Candidates Supporting the Interests of Indian Country Executive