NCAI Publications

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NCAI often releases policy papers on key topics, legislation, and milestones related to Indian Country. These policy papers are provided to inform tribal leaders, the general public, and members of the media about these aspects of NCAI’s work


Most Recent Policy Papers

Policy Insights Brief - Statistics on Violence Against Native Women

In this Policy Insights Brief, the NCAI Policy Research Center synthesizes available data on violence against Native women to guide policy decision-making and media reporting. This brief aims to provide detail on previously reported statistics and original sources of data used often in policy discussions.

Feb 06, 2013

Voter ID Laws & the Native Vote

Native American Voting & "States of Concern" Report. Alaska. Alaska, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin Identified as States of Concern for Native Voter Access. Voter protection efforts increased in Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.

Oct 15, 2012

Honoring the Trust Responsibility in the Federal Budget - September 18, 2012

Congress will soon debate how to avoid the "fiscal cliff," the term for a series of deadlines at the end of 2012 when tax cuts expire and automatic spending cuts – known as sequestration - will take effect. The Congressional Budget Office warned Congress that doing nothing could lead to another recession. Decision-makers should avoid any more harmful cuts to Indian programs which would threaten the health and welfare of Indian people. Under the Budget Control Act (BCA), most federal programs will face a destructive across-the-board cut of 8.2 percent in January 2013 if Congress fails to enact a plan before then to reduce the national debt by $1.2 trillion. As the nation faces critical choices about how to address the deficit while preventing another recession, tribal leaders urge decision-makers to sustain funding in ways that honor our trust, support our people, and strengthen America.

Sep 18, 2012

The Affordable Care Act & Indian Country

Background document on implications of 2012 oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA).

Mar 29, 2012

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act – S.1925 Title IX: Safety for Indian Women

The U.S. Constitution and hundreds of treaties, federal laws, and court cases acknowledge that Indian tribes are sovereign governments. Despite this fact, Indian tribes are the only government in America without jurisdiction to combat certain types of domestic violence in their communities. S.1925, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, addresses this jurisdictional gap with local solutions that will deliver long-overdue justice to Native women and safety to tribal communities.

Mar 23, 2012

NCAI Analysis of the FY 2013 Budget Request

On February 13, 2012 the President released a $3.80 trillion budget request to Congress, which is slightly more than the $3.79 trillion estimated for FY 2012. NCAI released a preliminary analysis of the President’s FY 2013 proposed budget as it impacts funding for Indian programs.

Feb 15, 2012

Overview of the 3rd Annual White House Tribal Nations Conference

President Obama hosted the third annual Tribal Nations Conference on December 2, 2011. The Conference was attended by hundreds of tribal leaders representing the 565 federally recognized tribes. The meeting was preceded by four regional briefing and listening sessions with senior Administration officials hosted at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on November 30 and December 1. The Conference itself was attended by six members of the President’s cabinet(Secretaries Donovan, Duncan, Salazar, Sebelius, Vilsack, and EPA Administrator Jackson), several members of Congress, and a range of senior Administration officials.

Dec 02, 2011

Notes from Tribal Leader Preparatory Meeting, Tribal Nations Conference 2011

These notes were gathered by NCAI staff during the Tribal Leader Preparatory Meeting. The meeting was closed to press and the notes are in draft form. They are provided to assist tribal leaders as they prepare for the week’s critical nation-to-nation dialogue. They are not to be used for attribution in any press reports.

Dec 01, 2011