Honoring the Trust Responsibility in the Federal Budget - September 18, 2012

Abstract: Congress will soon debate how to avoid the "fiscal cliff," the term for a series of deadlines at the end of 2012 when tax cuts expire and automatic spending cuts – known as sequestration - will take effect. The Congressional Budget Office warned Congress that doing nothing could lead to another recession. Decision-makers should avoid any more harmful cuts to Indian programs which would threaten the health and welfare of Indian people. Under the Budget Control Act (BCA), most federal programs will face a destructive across-the-board cut of 8.2 percent in January 2013 if Congress fails to enact a plan before then to reduce the national debt by $1.2 trillion. As the nation faces critical choices about how to address the deficit while preventing another recession, tribal leaders urge decision-makers to sustain funding in ways that honor our trust, support our people, and strengthen America.

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