Indian Country Budget Request

Fiscal Year 2013 Indian Country Budget Request

Our Trust. Our People. Our America.

The foregoing FY 2013 tribal budget program requests have been compiled in collaboration with tribal leaders, Native organizations, and tribal budget consultation bodies. Tribes respectfully request that these recommendations be included in the appropriations process. Download the document at the bottom of this page for in-depth, program specific recommendations for honoring the trust responsibility of the federal government to tribal nations and tribal citizens.

Our Trust

Tribal nations in the United States are vastly diverse—as are the citizens that comprise them—but in the modern era, the common element responsible for revitalizing tribal homelands is tribal sovereignty at work. Effective self-rule requires that the US respect tribes’ inherent right of self-government and that the federal government honor its trust obligations to Native peoples in the federal budget Tribal nations are familiar with the work required to overcome economic conditions that are stark and long-running, the remnants of broken treaties, land expropriation, and federal policies of forced removal and assimilation. In the face of such challenges, Native peoples have utilized the promise of self-determination to build the foundation for a prosperous future. The economic downturn dealt a setback not only to the nation but also to the progress of tribal nations. Tribes look forward to contributing to the economic recovery and a broader renewal of the American dream, but to do so, tribes must assume their rightful place as full partners in the American family of governments.

Our People

Indian Country has been implementing its own plan for economic change, and the plan is consistent with the holistic, integrated ways of life of tribal peoples. Tribes have been engaged in a long-term effort to restore their communities through nation-building and economic development. To advance tribal communities in America, the basic economic foundation of Indian Country must be sustained. These FY 2013 budget recommendations represent necessary elements for a strong economic foundation in Indian Country.

Our America

Tribal leaders recognize the state of the economy, the pressures on government at all levels, and the related challenges for job seekers. Tribes have been doing more with less for generations and we propose the following recommendations to help our communities, our neighbors, and the United States as a whole. As Congress and the Administration consider ways to address the deficit, tribal leaders urge them to sustain funding in ways that honor our trust, support our people, and strengthen America. Download the entire FY 2013 Budget Request (.pdf) Or download sections of the document separately.


View & download last year's FY 2012 Indian Country Request