May 2012
May 8, 2012
Keel Op-Ed: Student Loan Interest Rates
Stopping the Student Loan Interest Hike Is Critical for Indian Country, Too
May 1, 2012
President Keel Meets with UN Special Rapporteur James Anaya
NCAI President Jefferson Keel delivered remarks at a two-day conference and consultation with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, titled “The Significance of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”
May 1, 2012
Action Alert: H.R. 4348 and S. 1813 Transportation Bills
H.R. 4348 and S. 1813 Transportation Bills- Senate and House Conferees Scheduled to Meet Next Week
April 2012
April 28, 2012
NCAI Discusses VAWA Tribal Provisions on National TV
Executive Director Jacqueline Pata discusses the tribal provisions of VAWA on the Melissa Harris-Perry show.
April 26, 2012
Senate Passes VAWA, Including Protections for Native Women
Legislation Protects All Domestic and Dating Violence Victims on Reservations; Attention Turns to House Judiciary Committee
April 25, 2012
Special Rapporteur Anaya Kicks-off Official Visit at Embassy of Tribal Nations
James Anaya, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples hosted discussions with tribal leaders at Embassy of Tribal Nations.
April 23, 2012
Take Action: Protect Native Women - Support The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
Find out how YOU can support the Violence Against Women Act legislation today, and advocate for the safety of all Native women.
April 18, 2012
NCAI Names Inaugural Graduate Health Fellowship Recipient
Former U.S. Public Health Service Officer and Dentistry Student Lisa Begay (Navajo) Receives Award
April 16, 2012
A New Era for
The newly improved ushers NCAI into a new era of online information and resources to strengthen Indian Country.
April 2, 2012
Safety for Indian Women –The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
Immediate passage of S.1925, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, is critical to the safety of Native women. NCAI calls for the immediate passage of S.1925.
April 2, 2012
NCAI Statement on Resignation of Larry Echo Hawk, Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs for the Department of the Interior
NCAI statement regarding the announcement that Larry Echo Hawk will resign as the Department of the Interior’s Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. The resignation comes three years after Echo Hawk was appointed as the top official for the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
March 2012
March 29, 2012
Health Reform & Indian Country
Learn more about the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) in relation to the Supreme Court's review of the Affordable Care Act.
March 23, 2012
Health Care Reform Moves Indian Country Forward
National Indian Organizations Release First Year Review of Health Care Legislation
March 14, 2012
NCAI Issues Statement About Passing of Agua Caliente Chairman Richard M. Milanovich
Statements by NCAI President Jefferson Keel and Executive Director Jacqueline Pata on the passing of Chairman Richard M. Milanovich of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
March 6, 2012
NCAI Announces 2012 Indian Country Leadership Awards & Tribal Exchange Winners
Leadership Awards presented to Congressman Don Young, Larry Echo Hawk - Assistant Secretary Indian Affairs, American University WINS Program, and Dr. Eddie Brown. Team from Wingate High School in New Mexico honored for winning Stock Market Game/Tribal Exchange.
February 2012
February 15, 2012
NCAI Releases FY 2013 Budget Analysis
NCAI released an initial analysis of the FY 2013 Budget as proposed by the Obama Administration. The report details proposed investments and reductions in Indian Country priorities and programs.
January 2012
January 26, 2012
10th Annual State of Indian Nations Address - NCAI President Keel Remarks
Thursday, January 26, 2012 - Newseum, Knight Studios, Washington, DC
January 25, 2012
NCAI Response to State of the Union – “Free Our Economies”
2012 State of Indian Nations to focus on Election Year and Tribal Economies
January 11, 2012
NCAI Encouraged by Appointment of Muñoz as Director of White House Domestic Policy Council
Organization anticipates Muñoz’s role as Director of Domectic Policy Council will ensure federal policy support for tribal nations
December 2011
December 7, 2011
NCAI Commends FEMA Support for Direct Authority of Tribal Governments to Apply for Presidential Disaster Declaration
Updates to Stafford Act would recognize tribal sovereignty and create flexibility for tribes and states when responding to emergency and disaster events
November 2011
November 29, 2011
NCAI Expresses Support for Interior’s Proposed Leasing Reforms for Tribal Lands and Renewable Energy Development
Organization calls for implementation of proposed reforms to jumpstart tribally driven renewable energy and economic development
November 17, 2011
US Congress Deals Major Setback to Tribal Justice Programs
Cuts to funding sets back projected tribal law enforcement gains
November 4, 2011
President and Board Members of NCAI Take Oath of Office
NCAI President Jefferson Keel sworn in for second two-year term
November 3, 2011
Jefferson Keel Unanimously Re-Elected President of the National Congress of American Indians
Members of nation’s leading American Indian and Alaska Native organization signal Indian Country’s support for gains made
November 1, 2011
NCAI and Senator Akaka Team Up to Protect Native Women
The Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women (SAVE Native Women) Act would empower tribes to prosecute violent crimes and better serve victims