About NCAI Youth Commission

Established in 1997, the NCAI Youth Commission has been a space for tribal youth to come together and discuss solutions to the unique challenges they face within their communities. The youth commission has served as a space for Indian Country’s young people to stand together, empowered, to inform Indian Country’s greater decisions regarding the future. Youth Commission members have often informed NCAI’s general membership on various issues, informing key advocacy decisions. The youth commissioners also provide leadership development opportunities and provides a forum for national Native youth networking.


The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Youth Commission is designed specifically for college and high school students ages 16-23 with an interest in political science, tribal government and Native American legislative and governmental affairs.

The Youth Commission provides a unique perspective on issues relevant to tribal youth. It is to be a resource to NCAI and Tribal Leaders. It is an opportunity to acquire knowledge from NCAI and Tribal Leaders about the organizational processes of NCAI and structure of Tribal Politics. The Commission also serves to enhance leadership skills and cultivate those we may have obtained prior. Most importantly the NCAI Youth Commission is a mechanism for achieving a unified voice for ALL Native American and Alaskan Native Youth.