2016 Executive Council Winter Session


Hotel & Conference Information

Sponsorship & Vendor Information

Capitol Hill Reception

Annual Leadership Awards Ceremony

Consultations & Other Events

Hill Visits


Hotel Information

1001 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Conference Rate: $184 plus tax

Reserve your hotel room or for call-in reservations, please call 1-800-HILTONS (445-8667) and provide the group code "NCA" to book at the group rate. For hotel waitlist information contact Amy Gay at agay@ncai.org or (202)466-7767.

For transportation information to the hotel, click here. Please note that self-parking is not available at this property, only valet parking for $55.46/night.

Super Shuttle is offering a discount to our attendees during Executive Council Winter Session. Click here to start your reservation.

Invest in the success of our conferences! Review and fill out the Sponsorship Form. For more information on sponsorship contact Bernida Humetewa.

Arts & Crafts Vendor Opportunity
New! Limited spaces are available for a one day show on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. Review and fill out the Vendor Form. For more information on vendor space contact Bernida Humetewa.

Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian
Fourth Street & Independence Avene
Washington, DC 20005
Event Date: Wednesday, February 24
Event Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Congressional Leadership Award – This award is to recognize those individuals who are elected to the United States Congress who have demonstrated leadership and are champions on issues important to tribal nations.

Public Sector Leadership Award – This award is to recognize partners outside of the governmental sector and outside of Indian Country who work for the advancement of tribal issues and who support Native causes. 

Governmental Leadership Award – This award is to recognize partners in government service who are critical to tribal issues and who serve as champions in their institutions.  

Native American Leadership Award – This award recognizes a Native individual who has helped transform Indian Country through their efforts and long term commitment and whose leadership and work benefits and influences at the national level.

Special Recognition Award – This occasional award recognizes significant lifetime achievement on behalf of Indian Country.  

Past Honorees

2015 Honorees
U.S. Representative Devin Nunes
Jodi Gillette
2015 Special Recognition
Robert Burnette
Suzan Harjo
National Criminal Justice Association

2014 Honorees
U.S Senator Mike Crapo
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
James Anaya
Kevin Gover
2014 Special Recognition
Chairman Earl Barbary
Juanita Ahtone

2013 Honorees
U.S. Senator Patty Murray
The National Taskforce to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women
Andrew Lee
Administrator W. Craig Fugate

2012 Honorees
U.S. Congressman Don Young
Washington Interships for Native Students Programs
Dr. Eddie F. Brown
Assistant Secretary for Indians Affairs Larry Echo Hawk

2011 Honorees
U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Billy Frank, Jr.
Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli
2011 Special Recognition
Wilma Pearl Mankiller

2010 Honorees
U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra
Profs. Stephen Cornell & Joseph P. Kalt
Elouise Cobell
Dr. Eric Broderick
Marie Howard

2009 Honorees
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
Roberta Valente, J.D.
Rachel Joseph
Scott Burns

2008 Honorees
U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman
Friends Committee on National Legislation –Native American Advocacy Program
Alan Parker
Governor Janet Napolitano

2007 Honorees
U.S. Congressman Tom Cole
Wade Henderson
John E. Echohawk
National Council of State Legislatures

2006 Honorees
Claude Allen
Boys and Girls Club
U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan

2005 Honorees
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch
NMAI Opening Core Team
Dan Lewis, Bank of America

2004 Honorees
U.S. Civil Rights Commission
U.S. Representative Richard Pombo
Federal Communications Commission
2004 Special Recognition
Patricia Zell
Pat Babcock

2003 Honorees
The Late U.S. Senator
Paul Wellstone
Neal McCaleb
John Herrington, NASA Astronaut

2002 Honorees
U.S. Senator Thomas Daschle
Nike, Inc.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

2001 Honorees
U.S. Representative Dave Camp
U.S. Senator Pete Domenici
U.S. Representative Maxine Waters

2000 Honorees
Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante
U.S. Senator John McCain
U.S. Representative Patrick Kennedy

1999 Honorees
U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell
U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye
U.S. Representative J. D. Hayworth
U.S. Representative Dale E. Kildee

Don't forget to schedule Capitol Hill visits. Indian Country has major priorities to advance during this Session of Congress. It is important for our membership to meet with their representatives, both new and returning members, to continue educating them on issues and making them strong advocates for Indian Country. 

If you wish to meet with your representatives in either the House of Representatives or Senate, please submit your meeting request in writing to the representative's office and follow-up to ensure your request was received.

To find your House Representative, please 
click here.

To find your state Senator, please click here

For assistance in scheduling a Hill Visit please contact Michael LaValley at mlavalley@NCAI.org

More information to come.