Regional Profiles

As part of NCAI's effort to foster regional supports for tribal research, the NCAI Policy Research Center has developed a series of Regional Data Profiles for all 12 NCAI Areas. These profiles provide region-level population demographic data and some information on trends in education, household, and economic characteristics by states in each region. These are works-in-progress, and we are open to input from other tribes and stakeholders in each region to help shape this data work. Please contact Saundra Mitrovich, if you have feedback or questions. 

NCAI's Regions


Click for a more detailed map. Below are the links to each profile document.

Alaska Region Profile
Great Plains Region Profile
Midwest Region Profile
Northeast Region Profile 
Northwest Region Profile  
Pacific Region Profile
Rocky Mountain Region Profile
Southeast Region Profile
Southern Plains and Eastern Oklahoma Region Profile
Southwest Region Profile
Western Region Profile

The profile documents above are the November 2014 versions and may be updated.

Suggested citation: NCAI Policy Research Center. (2014). NCAI Alaska Region Profile. Available at:

(Tailor the citation for each region.)