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Naknek Native Village [Alaska ]
Linda Halverson (President)
Tel: (907) 246-4210
Fax: (907) 246-3563
Recognition Status: Federal
Nansemond Tribe [Northeast ]
Lee Lockamy, Tribal Chief
Tel: (757) 407-4825
Recognition Status: Federal
1001 Pembroke Lane
Suffolk, VA 23434
Nanticoke Indian Association, Inc. [Northeast ]
Natosha Norwood Carmine (Chief)
Tel: (302) 945-3400
Fax: (302) 947-9411
Recognition Status: State
27073 John J Williams Hwy
Millsboro, DE19966-4642
Nanticoke-Lenni Lenape Tribal Nation [Northeast ]
Urie Ridgeway (Chairman)
Tel: (856) 455-6910
Fax: (856) 455-5338
Recognition Status: State
18 E Commerce St
Bridgeton, NJ08302-2649
Narragansett Indian Tribe [Northeast ]
Anthony Dean Stanton (Chief Sachem)
Tel: (401) 364-1100
Fax: (401) 364-1104
Recognition Status: Federal
PO Box 268
Charlestown, RI02813-0268
Native Village of Afognak [Alaska ]
Loretta Nelson (Chairperson)
Tel: (907) 486-6357
Fax: (907) 486-6529
Recognition Status: Federal
323 Carolyn Street
Kodiak, AK99615
Native Village of Akhiok [Alaska ]
David Eluska (President)
Tel: (907) 836-2312
Fax: (907) 836-2345
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Akutan [Alaska ]
Joe Bereskin, Sr.(President)
Tel: (907) 698-2300
Fax: (907) 698-2301
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Aleknagik [Alaska ]
Margie Aloysiu (President)
Tel: (907) 842-2080
Fax: (907) 842-2081
Recognition Status: Federal
PO Box 115
Aleknagik, AK99555-0115
Native Village of Ambler [Alaska ]
Shield Downey, Jr. (First Chief)
Tel: (907) 445-2238
Fax: (907) 445-2257
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Atka [Alaska ]
Mark Snigaroff (President)
Tel: (907) 839-2229
Fax: (907) 839-2269
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government [Alaska ]
Thomas Olemaun (President)
Tel: (907) 852-4411
Fax: (907) 852-8844
Recognition Status: Federal
PO Box 1130
Barrow, AK99723-1130
Native Village of Belkofski [Alaska ]
James Kenezuross (President)
Tel: (907) 497-3122
Fax: (907) 497-3123
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Brevig Mission [Alaska ]
Gilbert Tocktoo (President)
Tel: (907) 642-4301
Fax: (907) 642-2099
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Buckland (IRA) [Alaska ]
Percy Ballot, Sr. (President)
Tel: (907) 494-2171
Fax: (907) 494-2192
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Cantwell [Alaska ]
Rene Nicklie (President)
Tel: (907) 768-2591
Fax: (907) 768-1111
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Chenega aka Chanega [Alaska ]
Larry Evanoff (Chairman)
Tel: (907) 569-5688
Fax: (907) 573-5120
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Chignik Lagoon [Alaska ]
Jeremy Anderson (President)
Tel: (907) 840-2281
Fax: (907) 840-2217
Recognition Status: Federal
PO Box 09
Chignik Lagoon, AK99565
Native Village of Chignik Lagoon Council [Alaska ]
Clemens Grunrt (President)
Tel: (970) 840-2281
Fax: (970) 840-2217
Recognition Status: Federal
PO Box 09
Chignik Lagoon, AK99565
Native Village of Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Kuskokwim) [Alaska ]
Jerry Peterson (Chairman)
Tel: (907) 467-4313
Fax: (907) 467-4113
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Council [Alaska ]
Chase Gray (Chairman)
Tel: (907) 443-7649
Fax: (907) 443-5965
Recognition Status: Federal
PO Box 2050
Nome, AK99762-2050
Native Village of Crooked Creek [Alaska ]
Julia Zaukar (President)
Tel: (907) 432-2200
Fax: (907) 432-2201
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Deering [Alaska ]
Kevin Moto (President)
Tel: (907) 363-2138
Fax: (907) 363-2195
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Diomede (IRA) (aka Inalik) [Alaska ]
Robert F. Soolook (President)
Tel: (907) 686-2175
Fax: (907) 686-2203
Recognition Status: Federal
Native Village of Eagle [Alaska ]
Freddie Stevens (First Chief)
Tel: (907) 547-2281
Fax: (907) 547-2318
Recognition Status: Federal