FY 2016 Indian Country Budget Requests: Promoting Self-Determination, Modernizing the Trust Relationship

Abstract: This NCAI FY 2016 Budget Request offers recommendations for ways the federal government, partnering with tribes, should meet the educational needs of Indian youth; provide adequate health care via the Indian Health Service, for both direct and self-governance tribes; ensure responsible resource development for the future; provide safe and secure tribal communities; and supply the long-term investments in tribal public infrastructure and services required to ensure every American Indian and Alaska Native enjoys a decent quality of life and has an opportunity to succeed.

Tribal leaders and administrators throughout Indian Country seek the same outcomes as other state and national leaders: to protect the health, safety, and prosperity of the people they serve. Tribal leaders are addressing urgent societal challenges, often with inadequate resources, but still facing expectations from their people for safe communities, educational opportunities, health care, clean air and water, and economic growth. Effective tribal governments that can meet the essential needs of their citizens require the fulfillment of the federal trust responsibility and respect for tribal self-determination.

Download the entire FY 2016 document (PDF 2.99 MB) or individual sections below (PDF versions).

Table of Contents
Executive Summary (864 KB)
Introduction (558 KB)
Support for Tribal Governments (170 KB)
Public Safety & Justice (225 KB)
Homeland Security & Emergency Management (141 KB)
Education (240 KB)
Healthcare (367 KB)
Human Services (260 KB)
Economic & Workforce Development(232 KB)
Telecommunications (160 KB)
Agriculture & Rural Development (196 KB)
Environmental Protection (302 KB)
Natural Resources (199 KB)
Energy (161 KB)
Housing (143 KB)
Transportation (176 KB)
Historic & Cultural Preservation (245 KB)
Endnotes (78 KB)
Acknowledgements (48 KB)

Suggested Citation: National Congress of American Indians. (January 2015). Fiscal year 2016 Indian Country Budget Requests: Promoting Self-Determination, Modernizing the Trust Relationship. Washington, DC: Author.