Data Resources
This webpage will now contain our latest collections of data resources from recent projects. The prior content of this webpage is now included on our Data Disaggregation webpage.
Guide to Juvenile Justice Data
Data on American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth in the justice system are difficult to compile and compare because AI/AN youth can be involved with federal, state/local, and/or tribal justice systems, and at each of the different stages of the justice process, AI/AN youth can become involved with one or more justice system. The ability to measure data on AI/AN youth experience with the juvenile justice system process depends on where the incident occurred, what type of offense was committed, and the severity of the offense, all of which impact jurisdiction, or which justice system has the power to address the offense.
Data are difficult to compare since AI/AN youth involved with multiple jurisdictions may be documented in each jurisdiction dataset or be lost between datasets. This webpage is dedicated to providing access to data sources on AI/AN youth in the juvenile justice system.
NEW: Read our AI/AN Juvenile Justice Data Resource Update that summarizes all our resources on this topic.
Where and What Data is Available?
Detention Statistics:
The Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement and Juvenile Residential Facility Census are surveys that occur on alternating years to measure information on juveniles in detention facilities.
The Census of Tribal Justice Agencies in American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Jurisdictions collects data on law enforcement agencies operating on tribal lands.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons collects data on inmate populations.
Jails in Indian Country is a data collection by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics on confinement facilities operated by Tribal Nations or the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Crime and Victim Statistics:
The Easy Access Datasets are easy to use datasets created by different federal agencies. Downloadable spreadsheets, overviews, snapshots, and publications are available for juvenile justice population, arrests, court cases, and residential placements.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) System collects data from federal, state/local, and tribal law enforcement agencies. This online data tool provides information on crime statistics taken during arrest or crime report.
The National Juvenile Court Data Archive collects data on juvenile court statistics, court-generated research data, and multi-record administrative data from juvenile case files. Datasets can be made available by contacting the National Juvenile Court Data Archive.
The Statistical Briefing Book provides a range of data on juvenile arrest, court, probation, and re-entry rates. Datasets can identify AI/AN specific information and include state or county comparisons. Additional data publications, snapshots, and interactive maps on juveniles can be searched by year and by step in the justice process.
Updated on 6/07/2022