Our Work

In the context of NCAI’s work, the Policy Research Center strives to meet its mission by working to enable data and research to inform policy through the following objectives/activities:

·        Disseminate policy briefs, reports and updates on current policy research and data

·        Analyze data to inform policy on tribally-driven priorities

·        Support tribes as they build their research capacity

·        Provide technical assistance to researchers working with tribes

·        Promote respectful tribal-academic research partnerships in the context of tribal sovereignty

·        Create spaces in which tribes, researchers, federal agencies and others can connect, discuss and collaborate on policy research

·        Convene stakeholders to discuss research and data that informs and supports strategic, proactive policy development 

We welcome inquiries from tribal leaders, scholars, and staff of organizations working to serve Native peoples. We also welcome inquiries from individuals interested in internships, graduate fellowships, or future openings. For more information contact research@ncai.org.