Research Partnerships (NARCH VII)


Dissemination and Implementation to Reduce AI/AN Health Disparities 

The NCAI Policy Research Center and the University of Nevada-Reno partnered in their Native American Research Center for Health (Funding Cycle VII) grant to disseminate insights from NCAI's NARCH V project that explored the facilitators and barriers of community-based participatory research (CBPR) in tribal and minority communities and found that governance, trust, and culture were associated with partnership outcomes.


The project included the following aims:

  • Create a CBPR partnership evaluation toolkit and assess for feasibility through community dissemination.
  • Revise the CBPR toolkit based on assessment of feasibility, develop a strategy for broader dissemination, and provide technical assistance to AI/AN communities on implementing CBPR best practices.


View a short video that describes this project:



View a presentation about the project in a PRIM&R Webinar: Click here to view video


The project produced the following resources:


  • Holding Space: A Guide for Partners in Tribal Research Toolkit 
    The CBPR toolkit, titled Holding Space: A Guide for Partners in Tribal Research, contains two resources: 1) the Holding Space Discussion Guide that focuses on the roles of governance, trust, and culture in the research process through critical discussion and interactive exercises ; and 2) the Tribal Research Future Game (see below). The toolkit is designed to support and strengthen tribal-academic research partnerships. In 2019, our team conducted in-person trainings with tribal-academic research partnerships to disseminate this new resource. If you are interested in this training, please contact

  • Tribal Research Future Game 
    The Tribal Research Future Game was developed in partnership with Future iQ, Inc. and additional funding from the Center for Diabetes Translation Research at Washington University in St. Louis. The Tribal Research Future Game is an interactive game experience where players, who assume distinct roles within a tribal-academic research partnership, confront various challenges and decisions over the course of a 20-year timeframe. Decisions must be strategized together to arrive at the best outcomes for the health of the tribal community and the sustainability of the research project. The Tribal Research Future Game is conducted as a part of the Holding Space Toolkit trainings mentioned above.
  • RED Talks: Tribal Research Partnerships
    The RED Talks were developed in partnership with Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
    RED Talks are a series of video vignettes that share lessons learned from tribal-academic research partnerships. Some of the topics addressed in the video interviews include:
    • Indigenous Research as Storytelling
    • The Role of Partnerships
    • Data Sharing among American Indians
    • A Model for Tribal Academic Advancement and Building Research Capacity


The project was featured in the following publications:

  • Lucero JE, Emerson AD, Beurle D, Roubideaux Y. Holding Space: A Guide for Partners in Tribal Research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. 2020;14(1): 101-107, Spring 2020. View article
  • Lucero JE, Roubideaux Y. Holding Space for All of Us. AMA J Ethics. 2020; 22(10): E882-887. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2020.882. View article


The project was featured at the following events:


Partners/Project staff:

  • Yvette Roubideaux (PI), NCAI Policy Research Center
  • Julie E. Lucero (Co-PI), University of Nevada-Reno
  • Amber Emerson (Project Team), University of Nevada-Reno
  • Gwynne Evans-Lomayesva (Project Team), NCAI Policy Research Center
  • David Beurle, Consultant, Future iQ Partners, Inc.
  • Rae O’Leary, Consultant, Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.



This work was supported by the Indian Health Service and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number U26IHS0082. The Tribal Research Future Game was supported also by the Washington University at St. Louis Center for Diabetes Translation grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders under award number P30DK092950.

The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.