NCAI Hails Passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Published on Mar 10, 2021

Today, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) hailed Congressional passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a spending package containing roughly $1.9 trillion to help the country respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The final version of this legislation features over $31 billion in relief to Indian Country for tribal operations, housing, childcare, education and other critical needs – including $20 billion in direct funding to tribal governments and over $6 billion in tribal healthcare funding. President Biden will sign it into law on Friday, March 12, 2021.
To read NCAI’s detailed overview of the tribal provisions in the America Rescue Plan Act, please click here.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has exacted an immense toll on tribal families, communities, the livelihood of tribal citizens, and the education of Native youth. The American Rescue Plan Act will bring much-needed relief and assistance to Tribal Nations in their tireless battle against COVID-19. It is also a landmark recognition of Tribal Nations’ rightful place in the American family of governments,” said NCAI President Fawn Sharp. “Tribal governments across the country have been leading on COVID-19 response, and the resources included in the American Rescue Plan Act will help us address the disproportionate impacts of the virus on Indian Country so that our communities recover stronger than before. NCAI will now work closely with the Biden Administration to ensure that this funding swiftly reaches Indian Country, and we will continue to work with Congress to address the chronic underfunding and resulting health disparities that have made the COVID-19 impacts on tribal communities so severe.”
During NCAI’s 2020 Annual Convention last November, NCAI members passed Resolution #PDX-20-028, which called on Congress to provide $20 billion in direct relief to tribal governments in its next COVID-19 relief package, which became the American Rescue Plan Act. To read the resolution, please click here.
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