Remembering Billy Frank, Jr.

Published on May 06, 2014

Leaders from around the country remarked on the incredible life and legacy of Billy Frank, Jr. Below is just a small selection of the sentiments expressed.

Deputy Director Robert Holden, NCAI
“When I first came into NCAI, Joe DeLaCruz was NCAI President. There were three tough guys who were fishermen guarding the front lines for sovereignty in the Northwest, Joe from Quinault, Sam Cagey from Lummi, and Billy Frank, Jr., from Nisqually.  Frank has been the only one left standing and continued to fight the good fight until his last day.  I am grateful for living in a time just to know and see these tribal never-surrender rabble rousers in action.  It is from their legacy and others like them that we know our future is not in the hands of would be powerbrokers on Capitol Hill, in the courts, the administration or even financial barons, but from the grace of the Creator who gave us these selfless people and those who will follow their lead.”   
“I was saddened to learn of the passing of Billy Frank, Jr. – Chairman of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and a member of the Nisqually Indian Tribe.  Billy fought for treaty rights to fish the waters of the Pacific Northwest, a battle he finally won in 1974 after being arrested many times during tribal “fish-ins”.  Today, thanks to his courage and determined effort, our resources are better protected, and more tribes are able to enjoy the rights preserved for them more than a century ago.  Billy never stopped fighting to make sure future generations would be able to enjoy the outdoors as he did, and his passion on the issue of climate change should serve as an inspiration to us all.  I extend my deepest sympathies to the Nisqually Indian Tribe, and to Billy’s family, and to his many friends who so greatly admired him.”

"Today, indigenous citizens throughout the world lost a true champion in Billy Frank Jr. He was a beloved leader, warrior and advocate for tribal sovereignty. He fought tirelessly for fishing rights that were guaranteed to Native people through treaties negotiated with the federal government. He was ahead of his time in his commitment to natural resource preservation. Throughout Indian Country, we all knew Billy as a man who led by example, campaigned for fairness and Indian people, and defended tribal traditions. He will be missed immensely, and we at the Cherokee Nation are keeping his family and his tribe in our thoughts and prayers."
“The Nisqually people are mourning the sudden passing of Billy Frank Jr. this morning.
Billy dedicated his life to protecting our traditional way of life and our salmon.  For more than 60 years, Billy was in the center of action on behalf of the Nisqually people and of Native Americans throughout our country.  Along the way, Billy achieved national and international recognition as a towering figure protecting treaty rights, natural resources and the environment.
“Billy will be sorely missed and long remembered.  On behalf of the Nisqually people, the tribal council expresses our sincerest condolences to Billy's family.” 
“Indian Country and the nation lost a true giant as Chairman Billy Frank has walked on.  His lasting legacy will be felt for generations in the hearts and minds of those he touched over an entire life dedicated to serving others. Two weeks ago, the entire room fell silent at a tribal summit held at the Suquamish reservation in Washington to listen as Billy spoke forcefully and passionately about the need to tackle the growing threat of climate change.  Billy shared a great sense of urgency that we come together as one people to work toward practical solutions to address its impacts. 
“To honor his life of service, let us redouble our efforts to do everything we can to uphold our trust and treaty responsibilities and to partner with tribes across the country on caring for our lands, waters and wildlife.  On behalf of all Department of the Interior employees, we extend our deepest condolences to the Nisqually Indian Tribe, the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, and to Mr. Frank’s family and friends during this difficult time.”
“Billy Frank Jr. was an undaunted defender of and respected elder statesman for tribal treaty fishing rights.  For over 30 years he helped lead the fight to preserve and protect the salmon and its habitat in Western Washington, thereby ensuring it remains a vital part of Northwest tribal culture and the Pacific Northwest’s economy. 
“His wisdom on the importance of conservation and the protection of natural resources has been recognized by all who love the great outdoors.  Thanks to his leadership and years of hard work, we can continue to appreciate the great gifts of nature that are still with us and the tribes of the Pacific Northwest can still rely on the salmon to sustain them for generations to come.
“Thank you, Billy, for your tireless work for Indian Country and our nation.
“On behalf of my office, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Indian Education, we extend our condolences to the Nisqually Indian Tribe, the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, and to Mr. Frank’s family, friends and colleagues.”
“Billy Frank, Jr. was an historic and heroic leader of his generation. With his passing, America has lost one its greatest voices for justice. Billy has been a close friend and partner to the Environmental Protection Agency over the past four decades, as a member of the Nisqually people, founder of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, and one of the most forward thinking environmental leaders of our time.
“His ability to bring together leaders from all sectors to further the protection of critical natural resources resulted in a resurgence of momentum on natural resource conversation, cultural preservation, the protection of fish, treaty rights, and climate change. Through his tireless efforts, as a passionate voice for the protection of our air, water, and land, EPA’s own tribal efforts were strongly influenced in the early 1990’s as we created an office to more directly address Tribal issues across the country. We will, in that spirit, continue working to strengthen our government-to-government relationship and partnership with tribal citizens.”
“Billy Frank was a legend among men … Today, America lost a civil rights leader whose impact will be felt for generations to come.  
“Billy Frank stood as a guiding light for Native people to stand up for their rights in a non-violent way. His bravery and leadership led to the breakthrough Boldt Decision, which forever changed the landscape of the Pacific Northwest. Today, because of the Boldt Decision, the state and Tribes are partners in the management and preservation of resources that are foundational to the economy of the state.  
“Until the very end, Billy continued to fight for Tribes’ Treaty rights, including fighting for a healthy environment that can sustain salmon and other resources for the next generations. 
“I wish to send my condolences to Billy’s family, many of whom continue his great work today.  Indian Country will miss this giant of a man. I will miss my friend and the smile that he always brought to my face.”
“Today, the Pacific Northwest – and America – lost a true legend. Billy Frank's legacy on civil rights issues, on ensuring America lives up to its tribal treaty obligations, and protecting our natural resources has touched generations past and present.
“When Billy spoke you listened. We saw that firsthand just last week when he commanded a room that included tribal leaders, federal officials, and the Secretary of the Interior.
“There is a Native American proverb that says we should make decisions with an eye toward how they would affect our children seven generations into the future.  Billy Frank was an embodiment of that ethos.”
“Billy Frank Jr. will be remembered for the important work he did as a tireless advocate for tribal rights and the environment.
“His courage to stand up for the fishing rights of American Indians has served as an inspiration to tribal members in the U.S  and indigenous people around the world.
“He will be missed, but his legacy will live on.”
“Today our state lost an activist, an environmentalist and a true legend in Billy Frank.
“He put his own personal safety at risk time after time, willing to sacrifice everything for what he believed in.
“It is a sad day, but it allows us to reflect on a life well-lived, a life that was spent dedicated to others and to making our world a better and more equal place.”
"Billy Frank Jr. was one of the greatest men I have ever known. He was a no-nonsense and straightforward communicator while at the same time warm and caring of other human beings. I looked forward to the embrace I got every time we met and was honored to have known him for so many years.
"I will never forget the twinkle in his eye when he saw and spoke with the young people who gathered with him at the 40th anniversary of the Boldt decision, held just a few months ago. It was clear that family meant everything to him.
"Billy was widely recognized as a great leader and he took on that role with grace and honor. The mere presence of him changed the atmosphere in the room. No one ever questioned his role as a leader. No one ever questioned his passion for natural resources. And no one ever questioned his commitment to Indian people.
"His willingness to fight for his people and for the salmon never once waivered throughout his life. When it came to saving salmon, his challenge to all of us was captured by him saying: 'If we aren't going to do it, then who the hell is?'
"It's therefore up to us to continue the fight to save our salmon and preserve our natural resources for future generations. For his sake, we cannot fail. He set an example for many to follow, and I was honored to know him as my friend."


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