Published on Oct 29, 2010
Radio Stations Can Download the File to Play Over the Air as a Public Service Announcement
Jefferson Keel, President of the National Congress of American Indians, released a one-minute audio PSA for radio stations and social media (click to download) to encourage Indian Country to Get Out the Native Vote!
"Your Native Vote is an opportunity to take a stand for Indian Country by supporting leaders who make our sovereignty a priority and help strengthen tribal communities," said Keel, President of NCAI, the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization."Make our nations stronger. Be part of the Native Vote!"
Keel also put out a call for American Indians and Alaska Natives to report any problems during election day. Voters who encounter problems at the polls should call the election protection hotline, 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) to report the incident. More information can be found at NCAI's voter and community organizer resource website
Native Vote, is a nationwide resource for encouraging voter turnout in Indian Country. Organized by the National Congress of American Indians, get out the vote efforts in Indian Country have been supported by NCAI since 1955. provides users with the resources to help get out the vote in Indian Country. In addition to the forms, news updates, and down-loadable resources, users can also create a profile and connect with other Native Vote organizers throughout the country.
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