Federal Grant Forum for Tribal Nations

Date: Aug 11, 2021 - Aug 12, 2021

Where: Virtual Event

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About the Event:


Although tribal organizations are among the many entities receiving federal grants, they face a specific set of challenges when managing awards under federal requirements, as well as their own tribal self-determination statutes. Many tribes also are reliant on federal funds as they struggle with economic disruptions stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Going forward, what programs are specifically available for you as a tribal entity to help meet your needs, and how should you develop policies to ensure compliance with multiple sets of regulations and laws? 

Tribal organizations differ from other recipients of federal financial assistance as the uniform guidance exempts their audits from being made publicly available by the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. In addition, while revisions to the uniform guidance issued in August 2020 authorized that a nonfederal entity’s federally negotiated indirect rate, distribution base, and rate type be posted on a publicly available federal website or tribal organization are exempted from having their rates posted. 

There are numerous other changes under the uniform guidance revisions that you as a tribal government and organization must understand so that you can adjust you priorities and resources. These changes, coupled with the rapid disbursement of funds through several COVID-relieve packages, emphasize the importance that you protect your federal funding now more than ever before in these uncertain times.

Join Thompson Grants virtually for the Federal Grants Forum for Tribal Nations, on August 11th and 12th and learn about COVID-related grant programs affecting tribal governments and organizations, the 2020 Compliance Supplement and its subsequent addendum, and how new grants will be affected by the uniform guidance revisions that generally went into effect on November 12, 2020. This is the compliance information you need to confidently manage your grants and protect your funding.

Our two-day agenda includes powerhouse sessions that cover everything you need to know – start to finish – about how to tackle the toughest grants management challenges while addressing how COVID-19 has changed the game. You’ll be able to ask your specific questions directly to our trainer in our virtual learning environment as you watch the presentations.

For further information, please contact: jherring@columbiabooks.com