TTAC GWE Subcommittee Virtual Forum

Date: Aug 26, 2020

Where: Virtual Event at 5:00 p.m. EDT

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About the Event:

The Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee (TTAC), Subcommittee on General Welfare Exclusion (GWE Subcommittee) is seeking feedback on a solicitation letter, found here, regarding implementation of the Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act and the Internal Revenue Code, Section 139E. 

All comments are due by September 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

On August 26, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EDT the GWE Subcommittee will hold a virtual forum, co-hosted by NAFOA and NCAI, for tribal leaders and stakeholders to discuss this solicitation letter.

For questions and to submit written feedback on the solicitation letter, please contact the following GWE Subcommittee technical advisors: Fatima Abbas,; and Emery Realbird,

The solicitation letter and virtual forum are being shared on behalf of the GWE Subcommittee and do not represent actions of the TTAC.