“Census Roundtable Discussion: What’s Next with the 2020 Census in Indian Country.”

Date: May 26, 2020

Where: Webinar

About the Event:

Today at 1pm, NCAI will be hosting “Census Roundtable Discussion: What’s Next with the 2020 Census in Indian Country.”

•       To join, please register via this link: 


•       To listen by phone, call (562) 247-8422 and use Attendee code 665-250-484.

This forum, hosted by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), will feature a discussion with top officials from the U.S. Census Bureau to discuss their commitment to a full and accurate count in Indian Country for the 2020 Census. This session will provide key operations information, communications and advertising updates, as well offer information for the audience on how to get involved with outreach in your local tribal communities.  

Moderated by Lycia Maddocks, Vice President of External Affairs, NCAI


Dee Alexander, Tribal Affairs Coordinator, U.S . Census Bureau 

Timothy Olson, Associate Director for Field Operations, U.S. Census Bureau  

Michael Gray, President and Creative Director, GnG Advertising

Ann Davison, Director, Guidehouse 

Matt Johnson and Saundra Mitrovich, Civic Engagement Team, NCAI