3rd Annual Native CDFI

Date: Jun 12, 2018 - Jun 14, 2018

Where: Pacific Grove, CA

About the Event:


First Nations Oweesta Corporation welcomes you to join them at the 3rd Annual Native CDFI Capital Access Convening, June 12-14, where we will provide practitioner tailored training on topics focused on building capacity to access capital, large group sessions, and peer-to-peer networking opportunities; in addition to hosting an extensive day of networking with potential funders, investors, and partners! We hope to see you at this national event as Native CDFIs from across the country are invited to attend!


Specifically, we will be working with Native CDFIs to build organizational capacity to access capital (June 12 & 13). We are also planning to hold a special, closed door session for potential funders and investors June 13 (from 2-5pm), where we can organize strategic discussions around focusing capital in Native communities and Native CDFIs. On June 14th, we will be hosting a full networking day with Native CDFIs, funders, and investors to learn more about opportunities to bring more capital to Native communities and facilitate a large group networking session. 


If you are a Native CDFI, we welcome you to join us all three days of the conference (June 12-14).


If you are a funder or investor interested in working more closely with, funding, or investing in Native CDFIs and communities, we urge you to join us June 13th and 14th in Pacific Grove, California. *If you are a funder or investor and only able to attend on one of the days listed, we welcome you to attend either day that works for your schedule. We also invite you to arrive earlier on June 13th if you are interested in our capacity building efforts for accessing capital in Native communities on behalf of the Native CDFI industry.


You can find more information and register at https://www.nativecdficonvening.org/. Questions? Please email Heather Rademacher Taylor by clicking the envelope below, or directly at: heather@oweesta.org