Tribal Interior Budget Council, 7/25-27/17, Econ. Dev. Data Workshop, 7/24/17

Date: Jul 24, 2017 - Jul 27, 2017

Where: Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, 22181 Resort Blvd, Flagstaff, AZ

About the Event:

The Tribal/Interior Budget Council (previously the Bureau of Indian Affairs/Tribal Budget Advisory Council) was established in 1999 to facilitate tribal government participation in the planning of the BIA budget and includes two tribal representatives from each of the 12 BIA regions.

The mission of the TIBC is: to provide an advisory government-to-government forum and process for Tribes and the Department to develop budgets that allow for the fulfillment of tribes' self-determination, self-governance, sovereignty, and treaty rights, as well as sufficient levels of funding to address the needs of Tribes and their tribal citizens.

For more information and previous meeting notes and presentations, please visit TIBC.

Preceding this TIBC meeting will be a DOI Economic Development Data Workshop specifically for tribal leaders on July 24th. Regular TIBC subcommittees (Education, Public Safety and Justice, and Roads) will meet on July 25th. The TIBC Data Subcommittee will be rolled into the July 24th meeting and will not be meeting on July 25th.

Indian Economic Development Data Workshop

Monday, July 24, 2017
8:00am to 5:00pm
Preceding the Tribal Interior Budget Council (TIBC) meeting
Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort
Flagstaff, Arizona

Economic development requires access to accurate information. Unfortunately, Indian country generally lacks accurate information on Indian populations, including labor force, economic, land use/ownership, and financial data.

This workshop, organized by the Office of Policy Analysis at the U.S. Department of the Interior, was developed for a tribal audience. The workshop provides tribes and outside experts a chance to identify data needed for Indian economic development and options to address data gaps.

The workshop includes panel discussions on four key topics: labor and population data; Indian business data; access to capital; and community development data. A question-and-answer session follows each panel. 

For more information, please contact Malka Pattison at

To ensure adequate seating, RSVP with Malka by July 3, 2017.

Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort
22181 Resort Blvd
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Room Rate: $124
For reservations call 928-856-7541 and reference Booking ID#3740.
Cut-off Date: July 7, 2017