Office of Head Start Tribal Consultation

Date: Oct 29, 2013

About the Event:

Office of Head Start Tribal Consultations – 2013 For more information visit: The Office of Head Start (OHS) is holding 2013 Tribal Consultations with leaders of Tribal Governments operating Head Start (including Early Head Start) programs for each of the nine geographic regions where American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start programs are located. Tribal leaders and their designees, including AIAN Head Start directors, are welcome to participate. As much as possible, the OHS Tribal Consultations are being scheduled in conjunction with other Tribal events. The Consultation in Fairbanks is being held in conjunction with the Alaska Federation of Natives Annual Convention. The Consultation in Rapid City is being held in conjunction with the National Indian Education Association's 44th Annual Convention and Trade Show. Such scheduling is an effort to minimize the burden of travel for Tribal participants. Participants may register for the OHS Tribal Consultation most convenient for them. As outlined in the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007, annual Tribal Consultations inform the Office of Head Start's plans for funding allocations, distribution formulas, and other decisions affecting the delivery of Head Start services. These Tribal Consultations promise to be highly informative and useful in shaping the future of Head Start services for AIAN children and their families. New for 2013: In an effort to reduce waste and to "go green," thumb drives containing handouts will be provided onsite to participants. However, hard copies will not be available onsite.