Indigenous Mapping Day

Date: Aug 9, 2013

About the Event:

In close coordination with the National Congress of American Indians, and in honor of the United Nation’s International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, Google Map Maker, Google Earth Outreach and the Google American Indian Network are proud to present Google's first ever Indigenous Mapping Day on August 9, 2013.


Whether you're helping a newcomer navigate your neighborhood, finding the fastest route across campus, or searching for local businesses, maps support the most practical daily activities. Beyond navigation, a map is a mirror of the places we live, and within its lines there are innumerable stories, histories and future possibilities just waiting to be shared with the world. As it stands today, indigenous communities are often underrepresented in the world of digital maps - and it's time to make some changes.
Indigenous Mapping Day is a chance for indigenous peoples to take ownership of how their communities are represented on Google Maps, Google Earth and Google Maps for Mobile. Using Google Map Maker, you can add to, edit and improve your local maps by mapping college campuses, medical centers, tribal offices, local roads, historical landmarks, and everything in between! With your help, let's build the most comprehensive, digitally preserved maps of indigenous lands across the globe.

If you're interested in representing your tribal community for Indigenous Mapping Day, please read below to learn more about Google Map Maker and Indigenous Mapping Day. Then sign up here to host your very own MapUp on August 9th!

For more information click here.