Contract Support Costs Consultation

Date: Jun 25, 2013

Where: Reno Sparks Convention Center, Room A1, 1:30-4:00

About the Event:

 The June 25 session will be to discuss the Department's approach to support contract support costs following the Supreme Court decision in Ramah. President Obama’s budget recommends an interim solution to fully fund contract support costs. However. the Department wants a robust discussion on what options exist moving forward. including alternative approaches to full funding. The discussion will be especially important as the Department begins to plan for FY 15 budget requests.

Federal consultation with tribal governments in the development of certain Federal policies and practices aims to improve how the Federal Government best meets its obligations to Indian Country. As the Department considers its path forward on these two significant and national matters, we hope that you will join me and other Department officials. If you have any questions. please contact Assistant Secrertary Kevin Washburn's Deputy Chief of Staff. Mr. E. Sequoyah Simermeyer. At (202) 208-7163.

Related Documents:
NCAI Consultation Sessions 4 June 2013.pdf