Tribal Budget Briefing: Honor the Promises to Tribal Nations

Date: Apr 22, 2013

Where: Senate Dirksen 628, Washington, DC

About the Event:

Joint Tribal Budget Briefing
Honor the Promises to Tribal Nations in the Federal Budget
Senate Dirksen 628
1-3pm, April 22, 2013 

The National Congress of American Indians is partnering in this event with the following organizations:
The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) - in partnership with the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, California Association of Tribal Governments (CATG), Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT), Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC), Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association (GPTCA), the Montana and Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council (MWTLC), and the United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) - invites congressional members, staff, and media to a joint tribal budget briefing as we ask for Congress to honor the promises to tribal nations in the federal budget.
The Federal Trust Responsibility is Not a Line Item 
 The forced spending cuts from sequestration undermine the trust, treaty and statutory obligations to Indian tribes that are funded in the federal budget. Not only does it sacrifice the trust obligations, but it thwarts tribes’ ability to promote economic growth or plan for the future of Native children and coming generations.  This briefing will highlight some of the impacts to tribal governmental services, education, health care, public safety, and others.


Related Documents:
Joint Tribal Budget Briefing Flyer 2013.04.18.pdf