World Conference on Indigenous Peoples Tribal Leader Preparatory Meeting

Date: Feb 28, 2013

Where: El Cajon, CA

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About the Event:

NCAI and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Will Co-Host a Tribal Leaders' Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the North American Indigenous Peoples' Caucus will Host a Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

The United Nations has committed to host a World Conference on Indigenous Peoples in New York, NY. The meeting will take place in September 2014 with its purpose being to generate "a concise, action-oriented outcome document" in consultation with member states and indigenous peoples to "contribute to the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples, pursue the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' and promote the achievement of all internationally agreed development goals" (see attached Modalities Resolution).
While this international conference is more than a year away, the preparation and organization of it is a critical component and is occurring right now. Each global region (e.g., North America, South America, Arctic) will host preparatory meetings where they will discuss issues they may want to highlight, as well as decide upon procedural matters such as who should participate in drafting sessions, or serve as delegates to their respective caucus.
To prepare tribal leaders for this preparatory meeting, NCAI will co-host a preparatory meeting for tribal leaders wishing to participate in the following days North American Indigenous Peoples’ preparatory meeting for the WCIP. Here is more information, including registration information – for each preparatory meeting.
Tribal Leaders' Preparatory Meeting
NCAI and AFN will host a Tribal Leaders Preparatory Meeting on Thursday, February 28, 2013, from 9am-5pm to discuss the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (Please see the attached Tribal Leaders Preparatory Meeting Agenda). To RSVP for this meeting, email Derrick Beetso at or Roger Jones of AFN at

Also, we will discuss the upcoming Preparatory Meeting for the WCIP (Agenda for this meeting attached as well), which will occur the following day, March 1, and hosted by the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation at the Sycuan Resort. Registration details for this meeting are below.
Preparatory Meeting Registration Details:
Lodging Details:
For more hotel information and to make a reservation call Sycuan Resort at 1-800-457-5568 or visit online:

Alternative lodging can be found in the area including a Super 8, 471 Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020 (1-855-799-6862). Please note however, that special rates have not been negotiated with any hotels other than the Sycuan Resort.



Proposed Agendas can be found below:

Tribal Leader's Preparatory Meeting
North American Region Indigenous Peoples Caucus Preparatory Meeting