Consultations and Listening Sessions at 2012 NCAI Mid Year Conference

Date: Jun 17, 2012 - Jun 18, 2012

Where: Lincoln, NE

About the Event:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

9:00 - Noon        Department of Veterans Affairs Consultations

9:00 - Noon        USDA Listening Session

1:00 - 3:00          Department of Interior Consultation: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

1:30 - 5:00           Tribal Consultation on Housing Needs Study

3:00 - 5:00            [TENTATIVE] Bureau of Land Management Consultation: Proposed Hyraulic Fracturing Regulations

Monday, June 18, 2012

6:30 - 8:00 p.m.              Veterans Affairs Listening Session

6:30 - 8:30  p.m.             Sacred Sites Listening Session 

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.              Sacred Sites Listening Session

6:30 - 8:30 p.m             DOI Consultation Information Technology Infrastructure Consolidation and Reorganization


Sunday, June 17, 2012

9:00-Noon        Department of Veterans Affairs Consultations

Yankee Hill 1 (3rd Floor)

The Department of Veterans Affairs, is initiating consultation to request input to enhance the delivery of services to American Indian/ Alaska Native Veterans. Tribal consultation topics include: Native American Direct Loan Program, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment service programs, Tribal Cemetery Grants, and increasing Tribal government involvement in the VA/ Indian Health Service Memorandum of Understanding workgroups and workgroup activities at the national and local levels. 


9:00-Noon        USDA Listening Session


The listening session will focus initially on the extension, education, and research areas followed by general listening on other USDA programs (housing, business, farm and ranch, etc.)


1:00-3:00         Department of Interior Consultation: Extractive
Transparency Initiative 

Yankee Hill 3 (3rd Floor)

The Department of Interior will hold a consultation meeting to seek input from Indian Country on a new presidential initiative to increase transparency of extractive industries, such as mining, through public reporting of company payments and revenues received by the federal government.  

1:30-5:00         Tribal Consultation on Housing Needs Study

Yankee Hill 2 (3rd Floor) 

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will hold a consultation meeting to update tribal leaders and seek input regarding the agency's study on "Assessment of Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs." 


3:00-5:00         [TENTATIVE] Bureau of Land Management 
                       Consultation: Proposed Hyraulic Fracturing 

Yankee Hill 3 (3rd Floor)

The Bureau of Land Management published proposed regulations that included requirements for chemical disclosure, well bore integrity and water flow back management in hydraulic fracturing practices in the Federal Register on May 11, 2012. NCAI has invited the Bureau of Land Management to consult at the NCAI Midyear Conference on the proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations. 


Monday, June 18, 2012

6:30-8:00         Veterans Affairs Listening Session 

Arbor 1 (Lower Level)

The Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration (NCA) vision is to be the model of excellence for burial and memorials for our Nation's Veterans and their families. Understanding and meeting the burial and memorial needs of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Veterans is a key to ensuring that veterans as a whole are satisfied with the burial and memorial benefits available to them through VA.  In partnership with VA's Office of Tribal Government Relations NCA is hosting a listening session.


6:30-8:30         Sacred Sites Listening Session 

Yankee Hill 1 (3rd Floor)

This listening session is held Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior. The listening session is being held to unify themes for the need to conduct more consultation and communication between federal agencies and tribal leaders on sacred sites, increase access and protections for the sites, and develop stronger privacy assurance mechanisms.


6:30-8:30         DOI Consultation Information Technology 
                       Infrastructure Consolidation and Reorganization


The Department of Interior seeks tribal input on the 2012 Information Technology transformation realignment proposal and on implementation of Information Technology transformation.